10 super useful starch applications that you did not suspect



Probably, each of us at least once dreamed of a magic wand or some kind of universal spell that could solve all-all problems. Well, at least, with cleaning. Seven troubles - one answer. Alas, the only spearuniversal cleaning / independently retractive agent is still in the process of development somewhere in the depths of secret laboratories. But his prototype, it turns out, has long settled in your kitchen. We are talking about Corn Starch: an affordable solution to many household difficulties at once!

Will withdraw the stains, "wrapping" the wool of a pet or even make a cool manicure - an ordinary cheap starch will help you in all these and many other matters. A penny tool with truly in great potential. See yourself: Corn starch will make it easy ...

1. Unleash the node on the laces


Oveught again with "tightening fooling"? Not a problem: Sprinkle laces or another object with a marine hub starch. This will help you much easier to unravel the most common homemade puzzle.

2. Remove the excess of poly rays from furniture


The cleaning agent left on a wooden surface not just shine, but fat, as if the pancake is anointed, the trace? A little starch and soft napkin will quickly eliminate this trouble.

3. Clear ink tracks from carpet


Little is able to scare the hostess more than stains on a soft clean carpet. Especially "complex" stains, like ink. You have a solution at hand: Mix a small amount of milk with starch to a homogeneous paste, treat a stain with a mixture and leave to dry for a couple of hours. After removing the remains of the paste and speakers. And no traces of the "accident".

4. Make any nail polish matte


Can you find a favorite shade in the current matte finish? Make it yourself! Just mix a small amount of varnish with starch in a separate container (or just on a piece of cardboard) and immediately apply to the nails. When the manicure is driving, you will be surprised by the result

5. Remove stains from iron from clothes


Sometimes the process of ironing has unpleasant side effects, such as stains from the iron. Did you find them on your clothes? Faster sprinkle with starch and leave half an hour. After shaking the remnants of the means and feel free to wear "wounded".

6. Make paint, safe for children and furniture


Draw something straight with your fingers with this simple recipe. Mix a quarter cup starch with two glasses of cold water. Put on fire, bring to a boil and continue to boil, stirring until the fluid thickens. Boil into small containers, add different food dyes and cool down. And do not be afraid: such natural paints are easily flushed from any surface. But from a white carpet, nevertheless, it is better to stay away.

7. Rid a carpet from an unpleasant odor


Before vacuuming, generously sprinkled the carpet with starch and leave half an hour. It perfectly absorbs moisture, fat and all unpleasant odors.

8. Remove blood stains from clothes


The main rule: act quickly. The fresh spot is the easier to get rid of it. Mix starch with cold water and apply in contamination. Sleight and leave to dry in the sun. After drying, remove the starch remnants and check the stain state. If necessary, repeat.

9. "Buy a pet without water


Does your four-legged do not like water treatments? Treat its wool with starch and how to smash. As in the case of the carpet, the starch absorbs fat and unpleasant odor. What is not a dry animal shampoo?

10. Or "Wash your head" without water


Starch is not bad and completely natural alternative to popular dry shampoos. Share your hair on the probes, generously sprinkled with starch, massage well, leave for 5 minutes and squeeze the remnants. The hairstyle will look at a fresh one, and you can sleep in the morning for more than 10 minutes. One thing is: the owners of burn-dark hair need to be especially thoroughly get rid of the "Shampoo" traces, which will be too noticeable on their chapel.

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