16 facts about life in their own apartment


16 facts about life in their own apartment

1. Kill mosquitoes, just sitting on bright wallpaper, suddenly sorry, and on a white ceiling - generally unbearably

2. Blinds steeper curtains? Yeah, smoothly until they have to wash.

3. Windows, too, by the way, will once behed. But not today!

4. Wipe your feet! - Remember this phrase? I also remember - you have to repeat it. - How time flies ...

5. And the dust flies! - Tons of dust! Killonna dust! - Where is it all from?! I removed her only yesterday! Why in my childhood it was not!

6. Tablets for the dishwasher, bitch - expensive, and Fairy really are quite better than analogues. Who would have thought...

7. Do not sleep up to five in the morning, of course, no one bothers, but for some reason I do not want, especially if you get up in seven

8. What about breakfast today? Oh yeah - I did not cook anything ...

9. Disposable utensils are even worse than the present, yes - it can not be broken and no need to wash, but the amount of garbage increases at times ...

10. Now I know how to cook the perfect omelet, but I still prefer flakes with milk.

11. Walking the dog should be two or three times a day and at exactly an excellent period of time when the neighboring Rottweiler has already arrived, and the grandmother, nursing cats on the wasteland, has not reached the trop of war

12. From work you have to go for more than an hour, but to your home! Cool! Cool? Yes?..

13. The dog for a whole day worked no worse than I myself - two plates were broken, the garbage bin was stumbled, the monitor turn over, the entire floor is covered with the contents of the backward pepper. I love to get out!

14. And who walks with us with a dog in the evening? Well, definitely not a vacuum cleaner, just gaining the annual reserve of pepper.

15. Sale of games in Steam or buy a normal hanger in the corridor? - A, FUCK IT, and looks good at the stool.

16. By the way, at the expense of chairs - who uses them at all? - However, until there is no hanger ...

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