PVC pipe clamp


PVC pipe clamp

Unusual clips from the PVC pipe came up with and made authorsman. The main feature of these clamps, compared to other similar, is that they can be used by one hand. Prior to that, the author did two more versions of the clamps. The most successful presented in this article.

Tools and materials:





-Pvch tube;


Step One: cut

This clamp can be made from PVC pipes of different diameters. In this case, the author used 10 cm pipe. Slices ring 3 cm wide.

PVC pipe clamp

Press the ring in vice and cuts it.

PVC pipe clamp

Step Two: Holes

Makes four holes. Two at a distance of 2.5 cm and two at a distance of 11.5 cm from the section of the cut.

PVC pipe clamp

PVC pipe clamp

Step Three: Clamping

For this clamping, two rods of 18 centimeters were used. The diameter of the rod is equal to the diameter of the holes. Inserts rods into the holes. If the rods are inserted not tightly coming onto glue.

PVC pipe clamp

PVC pipe clamp

Clamp is ready, you can now try it in your work.

PVC pipe clamp

If you need a more powerful clamp that is added another ring.

PVC pipe clamp

PVC pipe clamp

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