12 things about the true purpose of which you hardly guessed ...


12 things about the true purpose of which you did not guessed. Every day we use many objects, for example, a ballpoint handle, and do not even guess why these or other items have a certain form. Did you ever think about why the caps of the handles are very often made with a hole? The editors will tell you a dozen interesting facts about ordinary things. You can read more about the purpose of all these parts by clicking on the links in the text. Thickening on the feed cables in this thickening is hidden by a faey filter - a hollow cylinder from a special alloy. It is necessary in order to protect the equipment from the interference in the household power grid.

The tubercles on the keys of the tubercles on the keys are located only in the letters A and O, as well as on the figure 5,

The tubercles on the keys of the tubercles on the keys are located only in the letters A and O, as well as on the figure 5, located on the side panel called Num Lock. They are needed so that you can blindly find the desired keys.

Rivets on jeans The first rivets on jeans appeared in the second half of the XIX century. They strengthened

Rivets on jeans The first rivets on jeans appeared in the second half of the XIX century. They strengthened pockets in places of compound, so the prospectors could carry very heavy objects with them, not experiencing that their pants would break. Now rivets are just a decorative element.

Pockets on jeans there are several versions at once, for what purpose the famous fifth karma was invented

Pockets on jeans there are several versions at once, for what purposes the famous fifth pockets was invented. He could put the watches, coins, washed gold or lighter.

Jumper on chopsticks Although in many publics walks information about the fact that the jumper on the palo

Jumper on chopsticks Although in many publics walks information that the jumper on chopsticks is needed in order to use it instead of a stand, in fact it is not true. Such a jumper is only on cheap disposable products. She shows that no one has yet enjoyed chopsticks.

The loop on the shirt on some types of shirts on the back under the coquette there is a loop. Now it is soon

The loop on the shirt on some types of shirts on the back under the coquette there is a loop. Now it is rather a decorative element, but initially thanks to her a shirt could be hung on a clothing hook.

A hole in the porthole is a small hole in the portholes only those aircraft where installed

The hole in the porthole is a small hole in the portholes only those aircraft where double glasses are installed. Due to this hole, the pressure is regulated between the inner and outer glasses of the porthole.

Hole in the cap of the handle of the hole in the caps for the handles do not at all from the savings of the plastic. It

Hole in the cap of the handle of the hole in the caps for the handles do not at all from the savings of the plastic. It is invented in order for children, by chance a swallowing cap, did not suffocate.

A hole in a spoon for spaghetti The main function of the hole in a spoon for spaghetti is a draining of water. BUT B.

A hole in a spoon for spaghetti The main function of the hole in a spoon for spaghetti is a draining of water. But recently, manufacturers began to produce spoons with holes of this size that they can be measured by a portion of spaghetti per person!

Power holes Two holes in the Kedach also perform important functions. The main one is ventilation with

Power holes Two holes in the Kedach also perform important functions. The main of them is the ventilation of the foot. But there is another use of these holes. By skipping the lace through them, you can easily adjust the shoes on the leg. It was so a hundred years ago a basketball players came, for whom sneakers were made.

Blue part of the eraser Some gum consist of two parts: blue and red. Blue half of the lasty

Blue part of the eraser Some gum consist of two parts: blue and red. Blue elasty is tougher and needed to erase traces of a solid pencil with thick paper.

Hole on the back of the smartphone almost all modern smartphones have a hole for

The hole on the back of the smartphone almost all modern smartphones have a hole on the rear panel or in the end. It is intended for the microphone of the noise reduction system, thanks to which the interlocutor hears a clean speech without outside noise.

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