Clear tips


And unexpected, because simple. Invented people who are clearly loving comfortable solutions.

Great idea for gift packaging: paper, buttons and twine or threads-ribbons in any house will be found

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To wash the legs more convenient in the shower ..., and the rubber bands on the pipe are put before the attachment so that the legs do not slip - wisely!

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Chargers for telephone tablets are always wearing with them now. I have three bags at once. Not only are they intertwined among themselves, it is also confused by small objects. This is how simple, it turns out that you can make a curly from a long wire.

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Comfortable jars for washing cans just tie

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If your washing machine is drying, then you will use this advice. It turns out a ball of crumpled aluminum foil removes statistical charge! Put it in a drying together with wet clothes. By the way, one ball can be used many times.

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But the new work for old thick socks (female and children's, because men are not worn by the fluffy):

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Brilliant! And conveniently as! And move easy: a sheet of fiberboard or chipboard + small wheels. True, 4 pieces for one stand, but it is worth it

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Lego is a computer cable holder, who would have thought! And the help from these toys is significant.

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But the handles in the little men are small, and therefore they need to expand a little - with effort to push - and put the cable

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Every student should know that the bag can be worn as a backpack.

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Tip for us girls: Soon summer and legs will need to shave often. It is said that instead of cream, it is better to use baby oil. And the skin is soft-smooth! No irritation. And the cream is not needed. Only blade immediately rinse needed, butter

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Soviets never make a lot. Because life does not stand still and human savings too. And we, users - everything will be useful.

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