Mastery Night Lamp "Fairy House"


I can not qualify for a high level of professionalism. Just made the son a night lamp in the style of hobbit houses. Made a very long time, as the appearance of free time and mood. Pictured in the process. The result is satisfied, so I decided to share.

Master class make for the first time. If I miss the item, check.

So, proceed ...

I started from thinking of size, shape and electric filling.

Molds became plastic boxes for freezing. One more, the second is less. Put them in each other so that the edge was on the same level, fastened with a skewers, and the spell between us filled with sickle layers. Making sure everything holds, poured plaster. The wall thickness turned out more than planned. Another time I will take a box with a more dense plastic.

Gypsum should be well frozen. The windows I simply cut out with remedies.

night light

Oh, I almost forgot about electricity. The cartridge under the light bulb connected to the wire, I inserted into the design of the forms before pouring the gypsum.

Colored glass windows ordered in advance fusing master.

Cut the holes for the window slightly less than the size of the glass through, then caught up more precisely in size no longer through to insert the glass and it did not fail.

night light house


Separately collected a tree. Of the beaded wire, the leaves and nail polish filled them, making the lacquer film by essential movement. Leafs must be not big. Near the half asiantimeter. Otherwise, the film will not be reliable. Apples and pears bought ready-made, rushed on the wires and added between the leaves. So while I was tripled the crown form.


Having gathered all the twigs on the wire, put them on the house, distributing the reverse ends of the wire branches on a house.

At this stage, we collect in one design all the planned parts.

For the bottom I use the lid from the bucket of the water-level paint with a diameter of about 22 cm, it cut the hole on the form of the inner container of the house. Subsequently, I can use the light bulb in this hole. Passed the gypsum shape over the hole. Ogrudoval her. It is necessary to do between the layers of materials to improve their connection.

The wire with a fork and a switch was fixed to the wires from the challenge. Carefully isolated contacts.

Put a tree, a fence, a gypsum blank and connected all the layer of putty (it is more than plaster, but dries longer). Formed a house according to the idea.

fairytale house

Mastery Night Lamp

The windows are sealed with painting scotch.

Connecting the wires of the rest in the layer of putty. The rear was formed in the form of a hill. In the crude layer inserted sticks from the remaining fence in the form of the door. Added sickle. Formed a tree trunk.

The layer must dry well. Then the primer and the layer again.

Mastery Night Lamp

Layer behind the layer while I start like.

Mastery Night Lamp

The door and the fence passed the manganese solution to become more aged tree, and the "grass" formed a liquid putty. Only painting with acrylic paints, varnishing acrylic varnish and decoration on glue with pretty things to taste.

Mastery Night Lamp

A little more fantasy and ready.

Mastery Night Lamp

Mastery Night Lamp

If I missed, ask. Very tried to describe everything.

Creative mood!

A source

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