Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands


Standard furniture purchased in the store will cope with its functions - to be a place to sleep, seating, storage ... But its aesthetic characteristics most often leave to desire the best.

The interior with such furniture is boring and inexpressive. We share creative ideas that will be prompting how to make truly unusual furniture.

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

1. For a cozy garden or retro-kitchen

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Garden furniture in vintage style.

Several old chairs and a board, the width of which corresponds to the size of their seats - all that is necessary to create a sofa bench. Remove a soft upholstery from the chairs, if it is, and instead of it to bring the board. To the sofa bench is more convenient, put the seating pads on it.

2. New life of old barrels

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Metal barrel furniture.

Metal barrels must be cut by the "grinder" so that space for seating is formed. Then paint them in the right color and bed inside a small mattress in a beautiful case.

3. Impressive chaos

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Unusual table with shelves.

Of the several old tables, cut into two parts, you can make the original shelves over the main table. In order for the furniture composition to look united, color all its elements in one color.

4. Possible stubborn press

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Durable chairs from magazines.

Old magazines or books that are dusting in the closet for years, may be useful when creating creative furniture. Crerate a pile of the press with the help of a leather belt, and on top of put a soft pillow.

5. From the bathroom - in the living room

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Sofa from the old bath.

Such an elegant sofa is made from an old metal bath. The side part is cut with the help of a "grinder", then the outer side of the bath is painted and the legs are screwed. A comfortable sofa makes a mattress in a case and a lot of pillows.

6. For reading lovers

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Sofa from old books.

Almost every apartment has many books that have long been read, but did not enter the list of loved ones. Of these, it is possible to make an extravagant subject of the interior. The basis for an unusual armchair can be made of several boards. Then the first layer of books is attached to the base with nails or screws. The rest of the books are glued on it.

7. Wooden furniture almost free

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Furniture from pallets.

Building pallets is an amazing material, with which you can create multiple furniture models. It will take only a few pallets and nails, as well as soft cushions for seating. Do not forget to treat pallets with varnish, as their rough surface is unpleasant to the touch.

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Furniture set of pallets will last long.

8. For motorists

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Puof from the old tire.

For the manufacture of such an unusual trouser, which can also act as a coffee table, it is better to use the intact bus. With the help of glue "Liquid nails" it is necessary to reap the thick cord. Do not forget to carefully clean the tire from dust and dirt, otherwise the rope decor will not hold on it for a long time.

9. Music Stellazh

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Shelf from old piano.

Old piano, unsuitable for use for direct purpose, can become an unusual and spacious shelf. Remove the top cover from it and attach the shelf in the inner part of the boards painted under the color of the musical instrument. In order for the rack to be stable, do not forget to supplement it with legs.

10. Suitcase, who sorry to quit

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Chair from a suitcase.

A couple of old suitcases will be found in almost every apartment. They can be used to create original chairs. Secure the suitcase lid in the open position, for example, having a wooden bar between its two parts. Screw legs. It remains only to put inside soft pillows.

11. Just, but concise

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Wooden drawers rack.

Spectacular and spacious rack will be made from wooden boxes. They simply need to be copped with each other and paint.

12. From plastic pipes

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

PVC pipe rack.

Alternative use of plastic pipes - a huge field for creativity. After all, this material is flexible, but durable. You can cut them with a typical knife or a jigsaw, and for segments are fastened with each other with the help of fittings.

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Set of PVC pipes.

13. Table or mini-dresser?

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Elegant furniture on thin legs.

For the manufacture of the upper part of such an unusual furniture, you will need a box from an old table or chest. The legs can be made of a thin bar. Depending on the chosen height of the legs and the size of the table, the box will be a coffee table or mini-dresser.

14. From what was found

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

A spacious cabinet made of different furniture.

The most diverse furniture, which has already lost its freight form, can be reused as components of a large cabinet. This furniture must be cleaned from the old finish and paint in bright colors. Then the elements are attached to each other.

15. For connoisseurs of exquisite drinks

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Unusual coffee table.

The tabletop for the coffee table is made from the board with drilled holes, the diameter of which corresponds to the size of the bottled necks. In order for the design to be more reliable, from the bottom side of the bottle countertop can be glued with silicone glue.

16. Useful plastic container

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Plastic garden furniture.

The maximum size plastic box easily turns into a cozy chair. It is enough to cut off the part of the side wall putting inside something soft.

17. Recycling Gardecka

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Chair from clothes.

You can use two wide boards bonded with each other as the basis for a super soft chair. Then they are stacked as much as possible layers of clothing and dragged with rope or belts.

18. Instead of the cabinet

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

A staircase that will replace the cabinet.

Wooden or metal staircase attached to the wall can perform hanger functions. In addition, it will get it to place boxes with the necessary things.

19. Brutally and non-standard

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Unusual wooden furniture.

The old chair without a back, part of the log and nails, is all that will be required for the manufacture of a brutal stool. It will harmoniously fit into the interior in the style of Loft, grunge or country.

20. Return to nature

Original furniture, which is easy to make with your own hands

Hanger of branches.

Branches with bits attached to a wide frame become an original hanger. Do not forget about protective impregnations for wood, and then such furniture will last long.

a source

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