Lamps no longer


Writes Alexey Nadyzhin:

I tested the lamp Navigator 2016 release and compared them with old lamps.

Lamps no longer those LED lamps, lamps, light, LEDs

Before Navigator lamps were sold in white boxes. The last batch of such lamps was produced in January 2016 and is still found on sale. Now the lamps are sold in yellow boxes. If you take the lamps in your hands, it is immediately felt as far as the lamps of yellow boxes are easier.

Lamps no longer those LED lamps, lamps, light, LEDs

"Candle" 5 W made of white box - 47 grams, "Candle" 5 watts made of yellow box - 25 grams.

All old navigators had a range of operating stresses of 176-264 volts, on the new one indicated 220-240 volts and this is not profitable.

Lamps no longer those LED lamps, lamps, light, LEDs

In old lamps, an IC driver allows the lamp without changing the brightness in a wide range of stresses. According to my tests, the lamp in the white box does not reduce the brightness when the network voltage is reduced to 114 volts. In the new lamps, a cheap linear driver and the brightness of the lamp decreases when the supply voltage is reduced. When the supply voltage is reduced to 216 volts, the brightness drops by 10%.

This means that new lamps are undesirable to use where there is a reduced voltage and where there are voltage differences - the light will fade and blink. Old lamps in the same conditions are burning stably on the maximum brightness and the light does not flicker when the voltage drops.

Another side effect of a linear driver - if the lamps are connected via a switch having an indicator, the lamps will slightly shone when the switch is turned off.

Most Navigator lamps in white boxes, the pulsation of light does not exceed 5%, almost all lamps in yellow ripples are about 25%. It is almost imperceptibly "on the eye", but still talks about the lower quality of the light of new lamps.

In the new lamps saved on the driver and, judging by weight, on the radiator, but the LEDs remained good - the color rendition index of all lamps, except G4 / G9, above 80.

In the new Wolta lamps saved on LEDs.

Previously, Wolta lamps were sold in transparent plastic boxes. Almost all of these lamps, the color rendition index (CRI) was greater than 83, now the lamps are sold in cardboard boxes, which are honestly written that the CRI is only 75.

Lamps no longer those LED lamps, lamps, light, LEDs

The driver in the new Wolta lamps remained a full IC and even on the box and written the operating voltage range of 220-240 V, the lamps can work without reducing brightness on much lower voltages. Pulsation Almost all new lamps do not exceed 1%.

According to Alexei Pechnikova's reader, "Gauss now supplies lamps with the same articles, but the color temperature, brightness and even the weight of the lamps differ significantly." I have not yet come across new Gauss yet, but I will try to test them in the near future.

Over the past year, LED lamps have fallen in price and, unfortunately, it is connected not only with the reduction of technologies and components, but also with the fact that manufacturers began to reduce their lamps, establishing simpler drivers in them, using the worst quality and characteristics of LEDs and other Components, as well as reducing cooling radiators.

I ran into a difficult situation when different lamps with the same articles and barcodes exist on the market.

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