Secrets of Irish Lace: Master Class


In the Irish set (coupling) lace when connecting motifs is applied irregular grid.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

After connecting the place of the joints of the motifs of crosslinking, we begin to fill out the empty intervals between them irregular, i.e. Asymmetric grid. It turns out by alternating the arches from the chains of air loops and columns with a different number of nakidov.

For novice knitters, I recommend attaching already crosslied motifs, between which the mesh will be located on a rigid substrate (foam, pillow, etc.). Thus, the canvas does not alternate or, on the contrary, will not be burned in the places of the grid.

The motives should be located in the work of the outstand side up! Hook a hook better in hand as holding a knife. So, by choosing a place with an empty space between the motifs, proceed to work.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

We enter the hook from above in the cloth and cling the working thread. Pull it on yourself.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)
Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

We cling the crochet to the short end of the thread and drag through the loop the resulting. To secure the thread on the canvas tighten the long working end, tightening the nodule. The short end then hide in the canvas.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Now the working thread is gaining a chain of 4 air loops.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

In order to determine where the next connection is, you can try to attach a strained thread in different places and thus find a loop for which the chain will be hooked. Conducting this place we perform a column with 2 nakida in it.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)
Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Knit 2 air loops.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

The following will be a column with 3 nakida.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Since the motive in this place turned out to be quite close, then I immediately wait for the column with Nakad, clinging to the canvas.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Now the column with 2 nakida.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Knit chain of 4 air loops.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Similarly, and fill in the entire space by the grid, alternating the chains from a different number of air loops, then the columns with 1-2-3-4 nakids.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Having reached the end point, cut off the working thread and the tip hide in the canvas.

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

Secrets of Irish Lace (master class)

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