Hang mirror, picture or family photo - With this task you can easily cope in 15 minutes


Hang the mirror, a picture or family photo - everyone faces this task who seeks to equip the house. At first glance, it seems very easy business, but in practice there are often many problems.

For example, you were presented with an excellent picture, which is attached on two dowels, and you are already looking forward to the drill, to rather hang it in my bedroom. And it turns out that - about the grief! - You drilled holes too close to each other or crooked. And how much dust is!

how to hang picture on the wall
Do not rush to upset and call yourself crucial! We will help you avoid an unpleasant situation with very simple items. Interesting? Sheet below and follow our detailed instructions.

How to hang picture


  • Scotch
  • marker
  • paper
  • plastic cup

Stages of Rabrita

Locks a strip of dense tape or tape on the holes in the picture and put points in places where the mount should be, as indicated in the photo.

  1. How to carefully hang a picture
  2. After the resulting workpiece on the wall, where the subject will be.

    how to hang the mirror in the bathroom

  3. With the help of a laser level, check, evenly you attached a strip on the wall. And only now take a drill and drilling holes.

    How to hang mirror

  4. If you want to avoid strong dust and dirt when working, covering in the place of screwing screws a bent sheet of paper. It will serve as a peculiar dust collector.

    How to hang picture

  5. But on this, our secrets did not end. If you need to drill a hole on the ceiling, fastening on a drill conventional plastic glass. All garbage will be gathered in it.

    how to hang Lusol

These are so simple household items can serve as reliable assistants. With this idea, you can easily hang any item.

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