Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?


Can this be fixed?

The experiment on the straightening of the kosying yarn, inspired by the Council of the Pehorka technologist, was sensationally successful!

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

In the covers of my homeland there was only one joinning yarn - a manual spinning dog. But it really mows it in good faith! This is how thread behaves, terribly twisted with me, it is very hard to work with it.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

But so much mows the cloth so much - I specifically leveled the bottom edge of the sample along the lower edge of the book, so that the angle to the left vertical side of the book was clearly visible.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

Before dissolving the oblique sample, I hung a marker to the working end of the thread - to then not confuse and knit from the same end, the same area of ​​yarn.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

For the experiment on brewing, we will need: a double frame, a large pan, some vertical piece for the center

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

And the book Architecture Indochina. S.S. Ozhegov, TS Proskuryakova, Hoang Tao Kin; M., Stroyzdat, 1988.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

The principle of assembly is such.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

You see that the initial vertical thing for the center was too high, stuck out of the pan and did not allow to close the lid. I had to replace it with a piece of lower.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

After that, send the whole design on the stove. After boiling, the fire must be reduced to a minimum, cover the pan with a lid and produce in such conditions soaring for at least an hour, and better than two.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

Then the inner design must be removed from the pan rightfully. Wool, naturally, will be completely wet.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

Not touching it, leave to dry right so. It took me about a day - in the apartment right now they will not be drunk, in winter it would be dried instantly. By the time of drying, it became clear that the method was effective.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

The thread itself sprigs almost stopped.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

Here it is clear that the residual twist is still present, but it is precisely the residual, no comparison with what was. And the type of sample and there is nothing to compare with the previous one! Ideal direct, no hint of cosine.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?

Here is a test on the book - Rovenhonko.

Yarn mows. Can this be fixed?


Steaming is a very effective method of dealing with kosying yarn!

It is only necessary to take into account that in different yarn the degree of its effectiveness will probably be different. But in general, as you can see, it definitely works.

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