19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area


19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Examples of amazing stairs and tracks, each of which is perfect for the design of the house and the plot. Definitely, among the proposed options, everyone can find what he really enjoy.

1. From concrete stones

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Ugly concrete stones, remaining after repair, can be used to create practical steps, the construction of which also does not require high costs.

2. From wooden sleeves

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

A small wonderful staircase made of thick wooden spilles will perfectly fit into the landscape of a modest summer cottage.

3. From wood and rubble

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

A reliable staircase, which can be built alone from wooden boards and rubble perfectly suitable for a plot with a big bias.

4. Concrete steps

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Spectacular snow-white steps from tinted concrete, which look like so far in the air.

5. From stones

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

The original staircase, which can be built of large flat and small stones.

6. From wooden circles

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

A beautiful garden track made of smooth wooden circles will become a real decoration of the local area and will make a plot neat and attractive.

7. From logs

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

A stylish staircase made of many small logs will become a beautiful, functional and reliable detail of the yard.

8. Mosaica

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Strengthen and decorate an existing stone wooden or earthwood staircase with a bright mosaic of glass, ceramics or stones.

9. From Steel Sheet

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

From steel sheets, you can make it possible to make very original steps that spring season and decorate the garden plot.

10. From concrete circles

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

The elegant ladder from massive circles of concrete will become a real highlight of the landscape and will serve for many years.

11. From bricks

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

A large staircase, which can be made it alone from bricks or paving slabs, will be a practical solution for sites with a large bias.

12. From the tires

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Automotive tires can be used to create not too attractive, but neither less reliable staircase, the construction of which, besides, does not require high costs.

13. From Galka

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

A stunning garden track, laid out of small pebbles will delight the eye and decorate the site for a long year.

14. From wood

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

From wood, you can construct a stunning staircase, which will undoubtedly decorate any plot.

15. From the covers

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Bright garden track, which can be done with each of the multicolored plastic covers, will make a plot comfortable and original.

16. From concrete and metal

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

With the help of concrete and metal sides, you can build a reliable staircase, which will help to cope with the irregularities of the relief.

17. From slagoblok

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

Using slag blocks, you can build a reliable garden staircase, which perfectly fit into the landscape of a modern summer cottage.

18. From Spilov

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

The creative garden track from the spills of different magnitude will be a beautiful detail of the local area.

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19. From rubble

19 ideas of stairs and paths for the country area

An unusual garden path filled with blue rubble will not only become a functionally component of the courtyard, but also its highlight.

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