How to whiten a bra. Super fast and easy method Return white!


Underwear has simply magical properties. You can pull the bag for yourself, but if there is a stunning lace ensemble under it, you will still feel the beauty of a million. In the spring and summer, you probably give preference to light clothes, which means that the linen pick in most cases white. But there is one trouble - it is very quickly losing an attractive look, yellowing or sulfur.

how to whiten the yellowed bra

White bras and panties are pretty hard to wash, because their fabric does not tolerate hard whitening agents. We will tell you which ingredients need to add to the water to return the bra's dazzling white

How to whiten bra


  • 2 tbsp. l. Sololi.
  • 1 tbsp. l. soda
  • 1 tbsp. l. washing powder


  1. Pour in the basin warm water, but not hot. Add the specified ingredients and mix well so that they dissolve.

    how to whiten the yellowed bra

  2. Leave the leaf of the bra for 15 minutes - this is quite enough. If your underwear is not in very good condition, then leave it in water for 30 minutes, but no more. Then post the underwear by hand, but not very three and do not stretch.

    how to whiten the bra at home

  3. Suggest a bra in clean warm water - and ready. Remember: in no case sushi white underwear on the battery - yellow stains will appear on it.

    how to whiten the bra at home

This washing method is perfectly suitable not only for underwear, but also for light white blouses, males and shirts. Your things will be dazzling white for a very long time. You can familiarize yourself with the entire washing process in this video.

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