Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe


Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe

How strange it did not sound, but personally I love autumn, and the rain with a gray sky does not bring me away in depression - because this is the most comfortable time of the year!

You can brew delicious tea, put on woolen socks and fall on the sofa with a book all morning saturday ("still pours, like from the bucket!"). You can cook Punch and arrange a family poker tournament. You can call friends for a delicious lunch, and with pleasure to take home and loved ones at home ...

In general, autumn is the most domestic season, and I will gladly want to share with you a simple and very fragrant idea for home.

Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe

Home Aroma Diffuser

I very actively use essential oils for the house, they not only help to fill it with aromas, but also affect the mood and well-being of all home (and some essential oils help to fight bacteria, for example, that very soon will be very relevant to all of us).

I use both aroma lamps and a varnish, or just put a bowl with dry roses and dripping on them essential oils (the easiest and most fast flavor for the toilet, for example).

But the aroma-diffusers use quite active: they produce aroma-composition gradually, and flavored the room longer than Popourry or Dry Flowers.

Well, they can be made from anything, from any sticks-branches and any vintage glass, and I like to use such diffusers as an element of the home decor.

About how to make such an aroma-diffuser I tell in my video in my video (and read the mixture recipes below in the post):

Fragrances for home

Before moving to the recipes themselves, I will say again that only natural essential oils need to use - synthetic will give an annoying smell and will not solve additional functional tasks.

The fact is that the essential oils are adaptive, that is, if the fragrance is properly correct and you are harmonious, then you feel it only when you enter the room and the first few minutes.

After that, the fragrance ceases to be fixed by the smell, although the concentration of oil components remains the same. But the fact that you do not notice the fragrance does not mean that it does not work - on the contrary!

The components of the essential oils with breathing fall into the blood and very quickly begin to influence your nervous system, changing the mood, soothing or improving attention and concentration.

Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe

Synthetic components in industrial flavors act quite differently, and constantly annoy the mucous membrane of the nose, forcing us to constantly feel the aroma (which is why the smell can often be perceived as an unimous).

Essential oils are much more complicated than any synthetic analogs, and their action is much more multifaceted, so it makes sense to at least try to understand this topic, and it may be gradually completely abandoned synthetics (liquid flavors, perfumed candles and other types of diffusers).

Examples of aroma combinations

For such aroma diffusers you need natural essential oils,.

Different essential oils will not only give a different fragrance, but also in different ways to influence those who live in the house. All combinations are 50 ml (a small diffuser for a room of 7-9 meters), simply increase the proportion if necessary:

From fatigue and stress

This diffuser can be put on the desktop, or use the spring when it is not enough sun. He has a fresh, caramel fragrance:

  • 20 cap uh lemon
  • 15 cap uh lavender
  • 15 CAP EM Mint

Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe

For personal space

If you have some kind of personal space (dressing room, for example, or your personal room), then try this combination is very fresh, thin and very feminine:

  • 10 Cap Absolute Jasmine
  • 20 Cap Em Titronella
  • 10 cap uh mint

Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe

Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe

For bathroom:

This aroma diffuser fills the bath with Mediterranean aroma, and, mixing with hot steam, pairs of essential oils act as antimicrobial and immunostimulating agents.

  • 20 cap uh eucalyptus
  • 20 cap uh lemon
  • 10 Cap EM Tea Tree

You can pour this mixture into a bubble and put in it sticks, and you can still mix the essential oils to retain the proportion (2 ml of eucalyptus + 2 ml of lemon + 1 ml of tea tree), pour the mixture into a bubble with a pipette and apply a few drops of this mixture on the branches Dry eucalyptus. It turns out a beautiful green focus in the bathroom + thin fragrance.

Aromatizer for home with your own hands: 3 recipe


For such flavors, you can take any bubbles and bottles, most importantly - so that they are from glass. Beautifully look at vintage pharmacy bottles, old bubbles from toilet water or just interesting wine bottles.

I sometimes find such in the flea markets, they are a penny, but then look in the interior very beautiful. Bottles made of dark glass preserve the essential composition, but the usual light glass is perfect.

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