How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations


How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations

There is an opinion that it is necessary to get rid of unfortunately from the old furniture. Not only is it spoils the interior, it also carries poor energy. But it is not worth a hurry to throw out the kindergarten of the Dressers and Servants in the form of the kind of good-quality grandmothers, they can still breathe new life. You just need to know how to do it, and then even far from the carpenter the owner of Raritet will be able to turn them into a stylish subject of the interior.

1. Why can not throw old furniture and is it worth starting a restoration

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
If high-quality wooden furniture has lost an attractive look, using paint or varnish it can be made.

Usually, furniture objects from old heads were interested only in collectors and restorers who know a sense in the ancient objects. But thanks to the Internet and hand-made masters, shooting videos about the restoration of the fiction released from fashion and lost the attractive type of solo-quality furniture, many owners are no longer as hurrying to part with grandmother's chests, cabinets and other objects.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Compact wooden furniture can be independently made stylish and modern.

Of course, some restoration work can only with high-class specialists, because you need special knowledge and skills to work with different types of tools. However, there are ways to make stylish and exclusive furniture without much costs and skills, it is worth only to want to look at a few videos, Which will help to cope with this.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Old Soviet furniture without much costs can be made quite modern.

Before proceeding to work, it is necessary to visually determine whether the update will be under force. As a rule, amateurs are perfectly coping with grinding and painting facades or side sides, if the integrity is preserved, the replacement of some (not basic) parts, as well as with minor repairs and a hawk upholstered furniture.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Minor damage to the upholstered furniture can be renovated and himself.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Master people are capable of doing this.

In all other cases, it will take the acquisition of a special tool, knowledge of the subtleties of recovery and the presence of a special room where the cardinal transformations can be carried out, because the dust and smells of chemical preparations will be addicted to the health of households.

2. Simplest furniture transformation using vinyl film

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Self-adhesive vinyl film will help create a modern interior without buying new furniture.

The most common and fastest way to give cabinet furniture is an attractive and modern view - the use of self-adhesive vinyl film. As a rule, this material is used in the case of updating the facades and visible parts of cabinets and Tomb of Soviet and more modern production, when their surface has not lost its integrity. For such a restoration, you will not need any skills or a special tool or room, although in order for the updated furniture to have an aesthetic look you need to know some subtleties.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
The self-adhesive film is of different textures and characteristics, so used in any zones of the apartment.

Before buying a film, it is necessary to determine what would like to see the furniture wall or a closet, and whether the "new" element will fit into the existing interior.

Important: If the furniture is in the kitchen, a bathroom, a nursery or a straight sun rays fall on it, then the film needs to be selected with a protective layer. For furniture items that are near the heating devices, the self-adhesive film must be based on a thermally stable polymer.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
If there are irregularities and damage them need to sharpen, but after sanding and degreased the surface.

After that, it should be calculated how much the material is needed, because the docking of the canvas in the event of a lack of film will spoil the entire appearance. Do not forget about the preparatory work:

- free furniture from drawers, shelves, fittings and moldings;

- Ideally, the surface of the furniture should be lacquered, otherwise the preparatory work time will increase;

- If there are damage, traces of glue or grooves from the plug-in moldings remained, then all the irregularities need to sharpen, give time to dry the material and with the help of small sandpaper parsing the surface so that it is perfectly smooth and smooth;

- The rough surface must be processed by primer;

- Even if damage was not the past surface, it is still necessary to clean the spots (if any) and dust;

- All elements of the elements should be deguted to any detergent or alkaline;

- if there are no unpainted elements on the furniture, then can be sprinkled with water to the addition of gluing the film with the addition of 1 drop of a degreaser using a sprayer;

- Take the web desired size, carefully separate from its upper part by 5-8 cm and attach to the surface. If you managed to place the film perfectly smoothly without distortion, removing the remaining paper and drive the water and the air along all planes. Otherwise, it takes it off and glue again until the film falls smoothly, and only then repeat the previous actions;

- After drying, we screw the fittings into place.

3. Rules and process painting old furniture

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Restoration of painting and alteration is subject to only furniture made of natural wood.

Important: Only that furniture, which was made of natural wood or lined with natural sawn veneer are subject to solid alteration. If it is a chipboard, then besides the collapse of the film, another restoration should be done undesirable, and nothing can be possible.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Especially original after alterations look ancient buffet.

In the event that you got a lacquered rare thing, it will be renovated or removing it is much easier and faster than it seems. For this action, you will need a special solution for washing the old lacquer / paint, ideally the grinding machine, if not, then grinding and polishing paper will be enough, if there is damage, the repair composition for a veneered surface, as well as varnish or paint, brush and roller.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
The phased process of restoration and the composition of the wooden surface of the restored chest.

Restoration of furniture, in whatever form it is not, consists of several stages:

- complete disassembly of the furniture object;

- perfect cleaning from the upper coating and surface grinding;

- restoration of damaged sites (in this case, it is necessary to grind after this procedure and the complete drying of the material);

- Painting.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
For the restoration of cabinet furniture, the following tools and protective equipment may be needed.

With disassembly, everything is clear, you only need to be extremely neat so as not to damage the surfaces. But with the removal of the upper coat, there may be difficulties, especially when this is an epoxy resin, which was always superimposed with a thick layer. Clean the surfaces from any paint coating in three ways:

- process the surface with a special chemical solution, after complete softening the material is removed by a spatula / knife;

- with grinding paper or machine;

- If this is an epoxy resin, then you need to handle a small plot with acetone, give time to stand, and then, warming up the hairdryer, this part of the surface remove the softened material with a knife. After complete cleaning, all the details need to be seized.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
The main stages of painting furniture details during restoration.

Tip from NOVATE.RU: All work with chemicals should be carried out in a well-ventilated room, not forgetting about individual protection: glasses, mask / respirator, rubber gloves, closed shoes, a tight shirt with fastening long sleeves and dense trousers.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
All restoration work must be accurately accurately in compliance with the basic rules.

The final result depends on the accuracy of cleaning and grinding, so you need to try to trough. After all the surfaces are perfectly prepared, it remains to open them with varnish / paint in several layers, it is better to use acrylic varnish for these works.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
An example of a wooden bedside table restoration.

Important: Each layer needs to give enough time to dry. During drying it is impossible to arrange drafts and prevent direct sunlight and dust.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
The delicate openwork on the facades / table top of the furniture can be created with the help of tulle and acrylic paint in the canopy.

If you want to add your updated lace grace furniture without much time and money costs, you can make a decoupage with Tulle. To do this, after drying the base paint, you apply the cloth tailoring, it is well smoothed and spray acrylic paint from the canopy with a uniform layer.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Decoupage with the help of a stencil can be made an airbrush, paint with a canister or ordinary sponge.

Then carefully remove the tulle and open all this beauty with varnish. The base color and the outer tone depends on your preferences and overall interior design. In the same way, decoupage is made using stencils.

For those who do not want to bother with the removal of varnish, there is a faster and practical way of painting, which can be found about from the next video.

4. "Revitalization" of facades using decoupage technique

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Furniture decorated with decoupage is quite original.

An interesting way to breathe new life into old furniture is the use of decoupage technique. In this case, the implementation of any fantasies and ideas depends on the accuracy of the execution and artistic taste. Thanks to this decoration, it is very easy to make upward facades with a rayan of grace and style with small motives that match the overall design of the room in which the furniture will be.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Shebbie-Chic-style lovers such a furniture head will make sure.

Stages of surface preparation of updated items are identical to the above. If you want to achieve the type of noble old furniture, then after drying the first layer, paint is needed in several places to draw divorces and islands using a paraffin candle. Then we apply another layer of paint, waiting for complete drying, after that, after this, the placement of paraffin is styling with sandpaper.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Stages of creating a drawing on furniture using a conventional napkin.

After that, you can proceed to the decoration process, for these purposes, the napkins are best fit, which must be divided into selected elements and remove unnecessary layers of paper:

- Apply PVA glued with water to the right place;

- attach a prepared drawing (it is better to turn it off, and not cut with scissors);

- from the center of the napkin with neat movements with the help of a tassel pressing paper, not allowing scamping, damage and wrinkling (you can make a brush with the same composition);

- After complete drying, reveal the entire surface of the restored furniture with acrylic varnish in 2-3 layers.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Decoupage of furniture can be made by wallpaper and even newspapers.

If you do not decide to work with such a gentle material, like napkins, you can use conventional wallpapers, but the result will not differ in particular grace.

5. Creation of "vintage" coatings in the form of noble crackers

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
Crakhels on renovated furniture can be created with their own hands.

If the interior is decorated in the Shebbi-Chic style, then the furniture can be found not only with scrapets, but also creating crackerels (crack of the paint or varnish layer). For this, large skills and knowledge will not be required, only additionally needs to be purchased special varnish and powder. And then a rather simple process, although the result will definitely please the fans of antiques, because the coating will turn out with a rare gold-plated texture, which will decorate a lot of small and deep cracks.

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
To get the effect of cracking upper coating, you need to purchase a special varnish and powder.


  • - the preparatory process is the same as for ordinary painting;
  • - Painting with a base color in 1-2 layers;
  • - applying the first phase of a special crochelle varnish, the final result of its drying is a thick sticky layer (time will be indicated on the label);
  • - applying and drying of the second phase of crochelle varnish;
  • - With the help of a sponge on the resulting cracks, apply a golden powder (rubbing movements);
  • - reveal with acrylic varnish (2-3 layers).

How to make a new and stylish furniture from old rhocheads: visual transformations
The result of creating "vintage" coatings in the form of noble crackers.

After these non-hard manipulations, the unique furniture of the "respectable" age will decorate the interior of your apartment.


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