Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns


Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

This summer does not indulge us. From this, even more dreams of hot sun and warm sea.

My dreams inspired me to create a set of leather accessories and I suggest you sew with me:

1. Leather bag-fish.

2. Sunglasses case.

3. Holder for headphones / wires.

4. Light summer ballet shoes for a walk along the embankment.

The master class turned out to be great (I filmed more than 300 photos), I did not want it to share it, so some photos will be combined into collages. The master class was made about 2 weeks and at different times of the day, from this light in the photo often changes. And yet, there are several photos where the details are photographed (photo cutting), which in the end became others - let it not frighten you! During work, something had to change, but All patterns are made taking into account All changes.

We will proceed to work - pass the wind to us!

1. The first our product will be a handbag, since it was thanks to her "born" the whole kit. It is the most difficult and most interesting.

Work always begins with a sketch and drawing of the future product, as well as the selection of the necessary materials.

Bag do it yourself

All products from us will be made of genuine leather, two colors: blue and yellow (sea and sun).

We will have a lot of tools in our work, I will not list, they will all appear in their time in the photos.

Further we build a pattern, for this cut our fish to pieces

Beach 2017.

We add volume, take into account the width of the seams, we think over how we will sew the bag and then turn it out and create a pattern:

Shoes do it yourself

ballet shoes

Case for glasses


master class on sewing

We sew a bag with your own hands

All patterns are drawn and scanned on A4 format.

Strip all the details:

Leather accessories

As the yellow skin, I have a slightly thinner for my bag, I have it sealing it with a rigid adhesive dublerin. I do it using an iron. I stroke the skin only With the inside, in the "Cotton" mode and necessarily without a couple!

Accessories leather

After sealing the edge of the leather, it is thinning so that the product is well turned and the seams do not shut up.

The head of fish (blue leather) is from thick chrome skin, so we are not sealing it, but the edge is thinning more than on yellow skin.

Now we are engaged in floating. We put the top of the fins on a piece of the skin and tighten them around the perimeter. We do this in order for the edges of the fins are the same, after final trimming.

The end of the blue skin is white, so we stuff the paint of the desired color and score the end. I make this water-based acrylic paint, which are not flushed after drying.

After the paint dried, processes the edge of the SMS powder. It is laughing in water, for a long time I mixes all the lumps and cover the end of the end and rub it with a slic (wooden "wand" for polishing the edge). SMS powder gives a transparent smooth surface, which looks beautiful and protects the skin end from the blotch. This is quite painstaking and routine work, but it makes our product more beautiful and professionally made.

Pattern bag

While the shells are dried, stitching the head of the fish.

The upper part of the head consists of two halves - this allows us to make the scope.

We connect the details together, we flash, we open the seams, we retire and make a beautiful stop.

About the glue - I almost do not use it, and all the seams we smoke and fix two-way scotch. It is convenient and securely if you need to go and immediately sew.

Bag Fish.

Now we flash our yellow parts of the fish (except the abdomen). Do not forget to insert inside our dried finished floats - two tops.

We stitched not the whole part of the blanks, they do not match us (seen by photo). It is convenient to note in advance on the skin the line of the beginning and end of the line. We sew from the beginning of the tail to the head. Since the product is very "bending", and the spun (yellow) is narrow, then for better turning and smooth seam, after fracting, the scissors of the zag pass around the edge. Just don't need to do it too Close to the edge!

And we turn the seams again and retire.

Bright summer

Since we already have the volume, then it is convenient to use the anvil to smooth the seams. I have it with a sharp spout. On the spout it is convenient to put on the workpiece and dismissed. After, we make a beautiful finishing seam on the "Range" of the fish.

Bright bag

Returning back to the head of the fish again. We had two of the three parts and now we need to sew zipper.

Lightning can be taken and metal, but in this case I used the detachable (necessarily, otherwise it will be completely difficult to sew) and a metal slider. As later I saw in the end, the zipper still needed to take under the color of the head (blue) or yellow, the red still "knocks out", but this thought I came at the end of the way.

Set of leather

Lightning tails are left more complete for it is convenient to wear a slider.

We check how zipper works.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Everything is perfectly closed and two details are symmetrical, no skew!

Now the time of working with the lining.

My lining is very dense Oxford, so it is not necessary to seal it. We cut, weeply, we find the middle on the sublock and on the leather item and flash - the slippers are obtained :)

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

On the rounded places we make notches with a knife or tweezers, so that again, the product was easier to twist. In this case, it is better to do shorts, and not to use Zig-knife scissors.

Turn out, retreat the skin of the skin (carefully do not damage zipper) And we make a beautiful stop around the perimeter.

That's what we did:

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We do it with the second part of the "shoe".

Now we need not forget Make fish eyes (I almost forgot). My eyes are metal holnitenes, you can sew interesting buttons, buttons or glue thermal belands.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We connect the center of the inside of the head and the outer center of the yellow back - we flash and turn.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Making a stop. Follow So that the lining has not got under needle.

Lining not Selects (yes, it will require some dodging or a column machine (I do not have it, sewing only on a straight-string).

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We do everything the same with the second part.

That's what happened:

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Now we connect the two parts of the fish face to each other.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

And we flash. The lining again is not involved - Watch!

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

After stitched, we put the slider and the ends of the lightning (on both sides) we flash that the runner would not have been going anywhere.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns


This is the most difficult, long and painstaking stage of work. Turn out the most accurately, but at the same time persistently! You may need additional tools (I often use a thick large brush with a stupid rounded end).

Fish turned!

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

But this is not all - we make the straps for the handbag.

The handbag is small, light, so straps make thin and simple.

We will have two of them - to wear a bag in your hand and on the shoulder / over the shoulder.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

The length of the short strap I got 45 cm (you can take smaller), long - 135 cm. The regulator did not put, measured comfortable for itself the length of the belt and on my height (164 cm) and the taste turned out 135 cm. The width of the strap - 3 cm, which we fold in half, so that as a result, the belt is 1.5 cm. Width.

We make hlystics for a half-colt, which are krepim holnitenen to a handbag.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Now we turn the lining and secretly seam of it.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We hang on the handbag straps, "decorated" and rejoice in the finished handbag!

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Bag fish is ready, it's time to relax a bit on two lungs in the manufacture of products - a case for glasses and holding headphones.

2. Point Case

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We cut the workpiece for the future case. It is from a solid piece of leather and on it can be made applique, drawing, to embroider something, but I have not yet sufficiently rested after the bag, so I made a case as simple as possible.

The skin is the same, chromium, as on the bag. Very dense and tough - just what is needed for the case!

We make a stop at the top and bottom of the workpiece (yes, I love the stop), we put points and plan the place where the button will stand. You can sew / put a magnetic lock, but I chose a button, as it is quickly and functionally, and my skin is quite tough, so as not to fade under the pressure of the finger when the case is closed.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Install the button, fold the case and flash the "ears" on the sides. Leave strings more authentic in order to make reliable and beautiful leafles (the photo has not fitted, look at the final photos).

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

3. Holders for headphones is an even more simple design, but very useful.

Who faces the problem of confused wires in a bag or a suitcase? Holder is an excellent solution to this problem.

I cut one part of the "fish-skeleton" and by analogy with fins in the bag, we flash it to a piece of leather, but

I draw your attention that you need to flash not entirely around the perimeter, but in two places to leave 0.5 mm of unprotected space. We need it in order to make slots on the skin through which we will be rided wires.

Just like shells, the ends of the holding can be painted.

Holder is ready!

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

4. Light ballet shoes for walking along the embankment.

To supplement our sea image, I decided to make ballets that are easy to sew, look spectacular (especially complete with a handbag) and nicely worn!

The pattern did not fit me on one sheet, but everything is drawn proportions, so print two sheets A4 and substitute the parts to each other.

My pattern is made under 38 size, size is easy to reduce or zoom, if necessary.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

In order for the shoes to sleep well, it would not be bad to make a paper shoe layout and try on - perhaps some parts of the pattern you will need to reduce or enlarge.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

When the pattern is approved, we cut two main details (remember about the mirror) And two insoles.

I have almost ended in blue skin, so I do everything from yellow, although the blue insoles would look more contrast.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We glue insoles inside and flash the perimeter of the stelc. Further, we make a stopping over the entire perimeter of the shoes (which is where the soul was raised) and make slots so that the vault can be shocking and "button" shoes. Two slots will reliably hold shoes on the leg, just do not make them too big and laid along the seams along them.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Now we glue our "fingers" to the scotch, but we do it on the leg to correctly calculate the location of your fingers, taking into account the width of the foot and lifting. Send "fingers" to the upper bar. After that, we cut the two top planks made of blue skin, which will close all our seams.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We collect and sew our shoes.

That's what happened:

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

We plant our shoes on the glue, on the sole, which we have previously cut into our size.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

A set of leather accessories is completely ready!

It turned out to be bright and very unusual! And also - comfortable! First, everything is done individually, for yourself, and secondly - functionally! The handle of the bag allows you to wear it on your shoulder and in your hand, and fasten a short handle together on one half risk, making a handbag - a bastard. And even, you can wear short The handle on the shoulder and the handbag will be a backpack.

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

Walking on the Promenade: 4 leather products - 4 Patterns

The weather has not yet worked out, so there was no full-fledged solar photo session.

Risching wrapped, managed to do only one photo, but we still have time to "walk" the kit and hit the surrounding our products.

I hope you were interested to see my master class and I will be glad if you wish your products on it!

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