Useful ways to use household soap


On the shelves of many domestic stores still can be seen in the unspoken, brown slices of household soap. This product is worth a penny, the smell leaves much to be desired, with the abundance of modern detergents, it seems that this product is completely not competitive in the market.

Useful ways to use household soap
Probably, only our grandmothers in the old man are acquired by him, or the younger generation also uses him in everyday life? Why do manufacturers produce this product, and shops throw it on their shelves? Why do we have a business soap, what is his positive qualities and disadvantages? What numbers are knocked out on the "body" of soap? We will try to answer these questions in our article.

What do the numbers in the soap skeleton mean?

72%, 70%, 65% is the percentage of fatty acid content.

The greater the figure on a piece of household soap, the better it copes with mud and infection.

Pluses - in reality, the economic soap has a number of properties that are not inherent in other detergents.

The first plus of economic soap is that the product is made only from natural and environmentally friendly materials, vegetable oils and animal fats, soap is hypoallergenically and completely harmless to the human body.

This product is often recommended to be used for washing clothes and bed linen of small children. After washing, soapy water you can even water your home plants, water will not harm them, because there are no chemicals in soap.

Economic soap - an indispensable assistant for the summer resident. Use it to clean any surfaces and utensils.

Also the economic soap favorably affects the qualities of some tissues, such as wool. After washing woolen products, they acquire pomp and initial softness

For a long time ... then in the shower, only cold water flowed, and the soap was issued economic. But when the father came to face, the hairdresses were surprised: such dense hair - and absolutely no dandruff! Everyone was prettring than it was so my own ...

My classmate had a thick luxurious chapel below the priests. Such that it could not comb clearing. She was all after Akhali, and I could not keep and drove, as she cares for them. First wash - shampoo (wash the main mud), then - a house. Soap.

Someone from acquaintances, on the advice of the educator, delivered a child from the beginning of serious inflammation on the leg with the help of the household soap.

Economic soap is successfully used to treat inflammatory processes (up to the beginning gangrene).

Even gynecological diseases are successfully treated with economic soil (in some hospitals it is used for floor washing in offices where newborns are located).

Surgeons know about the amazing ability of the economic soap to replace surgical gloves (if it is on hand to hand and leave to climb) - they say that even when cut during operation, the risk of infection is minimal.

Economic soap is both an antiviral agent. And with this appointment, successfully applies in the intimate sphere for the prevention of various diseases.

My head is a shopping soap, one can achieve the fact that the hair becomes thick and healthy (disappear and dandruff, and hair fragility). True, that the skin of the head is not after such a washing is undermined, you still need to rinse the head with an acidic solution based on vinegar or lemon juice.

It is advised to wash the household soap - at least 2 times a week - so that the skin always looks young. After washing, you need to lubricate the skin with ordinary children's cream. Moreover, the effect of such washes, as they say those who tried, better than from using expensive professional cosmetics. Very well cleans the skin washing in a steam room with a birch broom, clumsy in the solution of the soap: the skin is cleaned remarkably and then as it is glowing from the inside.

You can cure with the help of a homemade soap from the starting runny nose. It is necessary to make a soap solution, to dip a cotton swab and treat the nasal sinuses. Then (although it will be a bit of pinching a little bit) the nose will never be laid, and after 2-3 such treatments you will for a long time for the cold.

When the bite of dogs, to prevent the infection in the wound, they are advised to give a blood drain from the wound (it will wash both bacteria.

Successfully copes the economic soap and with the treatment of fungal diseases of the stop. They advise thoroughly to wash the affected areas on the skin with a brush, and then process the surface of the skin with iodine.

Economic soap treat the skin with light burns (for example, by a household burn in the kitchen).

After depilation, to eliminate the redness of the skin on sensitive sites, people also use the soap. It is enough just to wash and irritation once and irritation.

Economic soap is successfully treated with thrush and the passenger. They are well to go, it kills all the bacteria and a mushroom type of thrush. With the thrush, it helps great, lay the ring finger and deceive the vagina as far as the finger will fit, so I was told in the maternity hospital.

If there are any problems in the oral cavity, you can handle a toothbrush with a solution of household soap and leave for the night. By the morning you will be sure that your toothbrush is completely diskmed.

In the economic soap there are many alkalis, quickly and efficiently dissolving dirt and also with antimicrobial effects. No wonder in medicine, coarse economic soap is still used as an antiseptic.

When I served in the army, I treated the fungus on my feet to the economic soap. Just for 1 week in the morning and in the evening you wash your feet in cold water with a household soap and fungus as it did not happen!

A few years ago, my just punctured ears were inflamed - just a lump black was formed at the mour. I was already tuned to remove the earrings and "to avoid" the ears, but my mother took the usual economic soap, she grazed him with a small chips, added the juice of Luka and all this put me on a lobe on the day. In the evening, everything took off, then I lubered your ear with alcohol for a couple of days, and everything went. There were no more problems.

Economic soap - a great means for removing the edema. For this, it is enough to dissolve soap in water and grasp the injury solution with the resulting solution. It is necessary to produce a procedure several times per day.

Anti-acne remedy. Shot a shopping soap into a bowl, add water and beat him in a foam. Now take 1 tbsp. l. The resulting foam, 1 tsp. Salts "Extra" and mix. This mixture is imposed on a well washed face. I warn you - it will pinch a lot, but it just means that there is a healing process. Hold a mask half an hour. You will have a dry salt on your face, wrap it and breathe first hot, and then with cold water. Making such a procedure is needed 2-3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Means from injections. Mix in equal parts grated onions, household soap and sugar. This ointment is applied to score and bandage. You need it for the night, in the morning you will see that the wound completely cleared.

Doctors recommend every two weeks to wash out the economic soap: you protect yourself from viruses and bacteria.

From cracks on heels and natopysh make a bath of 2 liters of hot water, 1 teaspoon of soda and 1 tablespoon of a predicted household soap.

Economic soap and rainwater from hair loss will be delivered forever. Only dark economic soap is used to wash hair. No other detergents use. Wash your head 2 times a week. I did it for two months. The result is beautiful.

If a bruised place to anoint the economic soap - the bruise will not.

My mother still did such a home peeling - to her a beautician even in Soviet times advised: to apply a foam foam from the economic soap to the wet skin, moistened with calcium chloride, wipe the face through massage lines. The skin is very well cleaned. Mom looks very good and does not understand my costs for salon acid peelings.

Economic soap - a remedy for burns. If you burned your hand or something else (in the kitchen, for example, fire or boiling water), immediately wash the scene of the burn to the burn soap and let it dry. Will not only bubbles from the burn, but still will not remain!

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