Sew hooks and buttons


Such methods will be saturated Hooks and buttons.

Sew hooks and buttons

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3A PRISHIVNYE Kryuchki Na Zastezhke Vstyk

Long ago, when for me "trees were big," it often happened to me to meet such aunt, on the skirts of which hooks performed the role of the clasp. Then, I do not understand anything, I thought that the hook clasp was from tanniff and poverty.

In general, it is not so. So, because during the Total Soviet deficit, nothing else, and even in sufficient quantities and diversity, and there was no. Buttons do not buy, buttons are generally something from the world of fiction.

And not so, because it becomes older, I realized that she was not so easy to sew hooks and neatly.

Many years have passed since then, and the hooks are still alive! And they will live very much, very long! Because the hook fastener is very durable and reliable.

Now, in our time, I drastically changed my attitude towards hooks. And I consider them full members of the "fittings" society.

Now the sewing lovers have another problem, no less difficult, the problem of choice. The problem choose correctly what you need, what is suitable. Well, it's time to come to know the hooks.

Hooks have simple sewn, trousers and fur coat

2NgumigyKu4 (511x604, 136Kb)

Lniak_idato (500x604, 154Kb)

Pictures on request sew hooks and buttons.

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