The pensioner embodied his dream by creating his Hermitage

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

The Bryansk wizard created palace interiors in the village house and discusses the idea of ​​his mini-ermitage with Piotrovsky.

In the most distant Bryansk district center, Klimovo, lost in the pine outback of the area, where the Slavic Trinity Slavic Troitz - Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, - Anyone will show a famous Akulov House arriving. It removes the sky with a blueberry color from afar, all in carved patterns, with the riders of the frontal deer, with a rider, fighting on the gate with the snake of Gorynych, which means: there is no short course everything. The owner Vladimir Filippovich Sharulov, probably, was accustomed to the unexpected appearance of unfamiliar people and, not asking anything, invites to the house.

I want my Hermitage.

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

You go, unwittingly stopped - you get to another temporary measurement. The situation is luxurious, as in a rich estate of the XIX century. Carved, antique sample chairs, armchairs, sofa, tables, "royal bed" ...

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

And all this is gold burns, because the Japanese is covered in the form of a thin film, in which there are some gold. And what is the wonderful floor in the living room! A wonderful pattern is laid out of a multicolored parquet. The same ceiling, where four paintings are written inside the pattern.

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

"Everything is made of linden, this tree is soft, easily sufficiently cutting," explains the owner.

Every detail of the situation I want to consider for a long time: doors, frames of mirrors, portraits and paintings in gold lace look like valuable antiques. Icons in such savings, as if removed from an old iconostasis. Or the clock: they pulled out Filippovich from the ordinary body and mounted in an amazing fireplace casket, which he himself cut out of the tree. I go around the rooms as the museum.

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

"Here is this Chiffonier with inlay," the owner shows, "I wanted to buy former director of the Hermitage, Boris Borisovich Piotrovsky, who saw Chiffonier only in the picture. I did not sell. To the question of the director: "Why?" - replied: "I want to create a mini-ermitage in the Bryansk outback." Boris Borisovich gladly approved my idea.

- How are you, Vladimir Filippovich, managed to create all this with their own hands? Where do you take the vintage patterns?

"Mostly invent himself," he says. "But if I see interesting furniture in a magazine or in a historical television film - I also take a note.

- Of course, did you finish some special school or a talented master studied?

- nothing special ended - four class of ordinary school. Another teenager had to bonda - barrels to do. Once on a hill at the lunch break sketched a drawing. I thought: it can be cut. I tried. Workers said: "It turned out very well." From that beginning. The first "works" were the framework - I gave them to friends. Then he fascinated more complex things. Total reached independently. I bought the necessary tool for wood thread ...

Our bin beauty does not like.

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

In the gold drawers of Akulov you feel like an antique exhibition: sitting in the "Graft" chair is too. I just want to watch it. I am impressed with the owner.

"And I have long used to, my spouse," the master smiles. And it gives literally the following: "I am very bitter that my abilities are not interested in anyone." I'm not eternal, seventy. Leave, and everything will go with me ...

- But don't you have disciples?

"How to tell you," the master sighs heavily. - came more than once from Ukraine and from Belarus, I taught them without requiring no fee. When everyone is seen, the guys light up eyes, they want to learn to my craft for a week-other and - ahead: smoke "bucks", so they say. But to do what I can, I need a lot of time and a lot of patience. My hundreds of guys went through. But they will learn more or less to cut the framework and still easily, simpler - and go, unfortunately.

- Does any of the district authorities tell you that the ability to create such beauty should be sure to transfer first of all with their countrymen?

"Our bins, not only Klimovsky, but also regional, do not like beauty," says the Master. "To me, it was a long time ago, people came from Germany, looked at my job and offered:" Or come to us to teach our guys, or we will build a school in Klimovo, where you will teach our guys and yours. We guarantee the full provision of students. , they also will receive a scholarship. Make several issues and we will give school to you personally. "

- You did not agree?

- Of course, I agreed to the second option. In Germany, the collection of funds for the construction of the school was announced. They were collected very quickly. They called Bryansk that they would come to discuss everything specifically. Suddenly I had a pile of party chinus from Bryansk. Only one surname remember - BELOZERS, he filled with regional culture. And they began to torment me so that I would refuse the Offer's Office. They said that they found a room for school in Klimovo - in the Palace of Culture, and ask me to open it. I did not believe party bosses. But right "for the throat took," there was nowhere to go. Solemnly discovered. I was given a few spacious rooms. I am delighted, a fool ... The Germans arrived, and they were in Bryansk: "Lit, gentlemen, the school aculuve was already opened." The Germans then are very offended by me. And they had to be offended by double bubbles.

- But the school was opened ...

- What school? It was their usual showing! - Master collapsed. - And could they allow the whole school in Klimovo private owner? Then I called Bryansk Belozerov. And this villain took the phone and as if I wanted me on my head: "I wanted my school - yes? We did not think to open it. We needed to pay the Germans." I also gave him a response to him in response.

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

Vladimir Filippovich is already retired, but the Master's Bunctric Spirit does not give the current authorities to calmly rest on the "laurels" of restructuring.

District officials do not remain in debt from the master: where only you can, try to attack. When he was offered to join the union of artists, chiefs from the area, and the regions poured the masters to the masters. He never received a ticket a member of the Union of Artists. In December of the past year, Klimovtsy put forward a "outrage of peace of mind" by a candidate for district councils. But the top of the district did not even report how many votes did Vladimir Filippovich scored.

Yes, the authorities of a good word about the master will not say. It is always afraid of him as the exposure. But he is kind man, disinterested. Now he teaches six students in his workshop for free. I surprised me and such a fact: Vladimir Filippovich, I counted ten dogs in the courtyard and in the house two. He is sorry for homeless animals, and he brings the vagabilities.

The master has a dozen common notebooks with reviews of visitors to his house, which became an unofficial museum. Here on the excursions come, come with groups.

"I live in poverty," said Vladimir Filippovich. - Probably, do not believe, but my wife and I will no longer remember when I bought sausage, meat, butter. We exist on modest pensions.

I read visitor reviews. How many sincere words of admiration! Vladimir Filippovich - a master nugget of great magnitude. He also writes the paintings by oil. And three stories wrote. It remains only to regret that his talent is not in demand.

As a simple rustic man, the royal palace made himself

Long years of life!

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