How to clean white sneakers


White shoes is always highlighted by its dull and efficiency. But many mods avoid buying boiling and white sneakers and a ked, bearing that they will quickly lose a beautiful appearance.

Our edition strongly recommends not to deprive itself with the possibility of carrying white shoes, because it can be easily cleansed from the dirt in a few minutes!

how to clean white sneakers

How to clean white sneakers

  1. Cleaning fabric sneakers and ked

    Clear such shoes are easiest to wash it enough! This can be done manually or using a washing machine. For manual washing it is better to choose a powder with a note "for white fabrics" or a household soap.

    how to clean white sneakers

    Shoes need to soak in a soap solution for half an hour, and then wash manually, paying special attention to polluted places. If you decide to wash your machine shoes, choose washing mode for sports shoes or for delicate fabrics.

    how to clean white sneakers

    Remember, you should not put shoes in the washing machine, which contains fragile elements. Laces and insoles need to be washed separately.

    how to clean white sneakers

  2. Cleaning leather sneakers

    Clear leather shoes of white color from the emerged dirt will help simple manipulations. The first thing to do is to remove the laces and remove the insoles.

    how to clean white sneakers

    The second step is the removal of dust with a wet veto. Due to itching the sponge and lose the contaminated surface of the shoes.

    how to clean white sneakers

    To get rid of caustic stains for sure, you need to prepare a tool from milk and potato starch, connecting the components in proportion 1: 1. The resulting substance must be applied to the leather surface, a little to rub a toothbrush and remove with a clean vet.

    how to clean white sneakers

  3. Removal of local stains

    Local spots can be removed in several ways. Excellent copes with shoe pollution mixture of 1/4 teaspoon of food soda and lemon juice drops. Also remove contamination will help the usual toothpaste, the main thing is that in its composition there is no color enclosures.

    how to clean white sneakers

  4. Cleansing soles

    Often, on the sole of white shoes, you can detect many dark strips. The usual stationery eraser will help to get rid of them. Also with such stripes perfectly copes the melamine sponge, it is necessary to buy such a thing!

    how to clean white sneakers

Caring for white shoes will not take you trouble, if you delete contamination immediately and postpone the cleaning procedure in a long box!

how to clean white sneakers

Perhaps you know even more tricks for cleaning with white shoes, do not forget to share in the comments by your everyday wisdom!

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