Cellar in the country area do it yourself


Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The cellar serves a person for storing and saving foods: vegetables, fruits, grains, indoor temperature is optimal for long-term storage and keeps ranging from 0 to 8 ° C. Humanity stepped far ahead in its development and invented many ways of long-term storage of products, as well as refrigerators and other installations, but the cellar is still an integral part of the village house. The main thing is that the cellar does not consume no energy when it is environmentally friendly and completely safe for human health.

Also, if you still have a "glacier" in the cellar, you can store meat, fat, milk in it. This kind of freezer camera. In general, the cellar is cool!

And so, let's look at what is specifically necessary for the construction of a celler with your own hands.


1. Slagoblock

2. Cement

3. Sand

4. Armature

5. Metal pipe 16-20 mm

6. Waterproofing

7. Board 25-30 mm

8. Roofing material

9. Ventilation pipes

10. Wooden bar

11. Ceramic stove

12. Nails

13. Self-timers

14. Field board

15. Morilka

16. Lac.

17. Bitum

18. Button stone

19. Grand Screen

20. Plaster

21. Pokes for walls and paint


1. Shopata

2. Stretch

3. Spatula

4. Hoven

5. Drill

6. Bulgarian.

7. Hammer

8. Roulette

9. Level

10. Kiyanka

11. Kelma

12. LINEK.

13. Corner


15. Valik.

Step-by-step guide for the construction of the cellar with their own hands.

First of all, you need to decide on the location of the future cellar, it is desirable that it is located near the house, so that it was convenient to go to it for the products or, on the contrary, make suppresses and place them on the shelves. Then decide on the type of construction, there are only 3: underground, semide-ground and ground, the last option is only suitable for southern areas, where the depth of the primer of the soil in the winter period is small. For the northern regions, the underground and semide-house is suitable, because the drainage depth can make more than 1 meter, and in the underground storage, it is quite unresolved and the supplies will not be frozen.

According to the law, the cellar refers to the economic buildings and it can be built without coordination, but it is worth considering that buildings and buildings on the site should not exceed 30% of its total area. (see the legislation of your country)

In short, we build and do not get parim))

Next, begin to digging the depth of it according to custom, should be at least 2 meters, and the remaining sizes will be individual depending on your preferences. We take a shovel and digging)) "Take more-throw on, while you flies rest."

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Work is heavy and time-consuming, you will have to be pregnant. After the pit is dug, it should be started to form a formwork from the board for the subsequent fill of the foundation. For the bottom lay the brownstone, maybe you will be lucky and pick up enough stones directly when they dig a pit, a small savings.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

After that, the formwork is poured with cement mortar in the ratio of 1/3, that is, one piece of cement and 3 parts of the sand.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The flooded foundation must be frozen and strengthen, according to the standards, this process passes within 28 days, according to custom, after a couple of weeks, it is already beginning to build, because the deadlines are pressed and over the summer it is necessary to finish everything. A layer of waterproofing is placed on the foundation (2) and begin the laying of the walls from the slag block.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Since the cellar is elevated humidity and groundwater, it is mandatory to make waterproofing the outside of the walls, the benefit today is plenty.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

As the wall is erected, it is also necessary to take care of the construction of the ladder, the author conceived her to make concrete and prepares a wooden formwork.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Pulles steps with concrete.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Inside the room builds partitions. Also for additional waterproofing, the floor in front of concreting can be poured molten bitumen, or to buy modern materials for this purpose.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The walls are completely prepared, fittings are inserted in the blocks and is filled with mortar. Further, the author moves to the creation of the overlap, here also uses the welded construction from the reinforcement and hollow ceramic blocks.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

As a result, it turns out a flat platform from blocks.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

After that, everything is poured with cement mortar and aligns.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

At the construction stage, it is necessary to immediately worry about the delivery of electricity.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Important! The cellar must be equipped with a ventilation system, in order to indoors, dampness and smell did not accumulate. In this case, 2 pipes are installed, one on the air flow (50 cm from the floor level) the second on the air diversion from the cellar (50 cm from the ceiling) inside the dampers should be placed to adjust the thrust and full overlap.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The staircase and floors in the cellar are desirable to lay a tiled with a rough surface.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Around the repository should be made of a breakdown for water lead.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

After that, the author starts building a house.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

This building is necessary for a smooth temperature transition, that is, in the cellar cold "Yak on the seabed))" And on the heat of the heat +30, so that the heat is not sharply in the cellar, a small house is built.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The owner decided to expand and sustain a wooden building, which can also be used for business goals.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Note! Ventilation pipes were scored and removed on the roof, protective caps are also installed. The roof is covered with a soft roof (you can use any)

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Walls must be covered with a protective composition, so you will extend the life of the construction for many years.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The floor is made of a board, which is stacked by a layer of mineral wool.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The house inside can be separated by clapboard, and the walls from the blocks simply twist and whitewash.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The walls inside the cellar also plaster and whiten.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

Tile stacked on the floor.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

For convenient storage of vegetables, fruits, cans with jam and pickle, you need to make racks and shelves, the simplest thing to make them out of wood.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

That's actually such a wonderful cellar turned out from our hero.

Cellar in the country area do it yourself

The work is done very complex and time-consuming, but believe it is worth it, now products can be stored for years and not be afraid that they will ruin, and most importantly, the cellar does not require energy and save your supplies completely free. So this is a reasonable investment of forces and means. You have step-by-step instructions. Dare friends!

This end my article. Thank you very much for your attention!

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