How to earn a million for the country season: the secret from the farmer from Stavropol


All people are the same. Everyone dreams to get rich. Someone wants to spend earned on Himself, someone on the family, someone for charity or entertainment. No matter what. It is important that the majority only dreams without having the concepts that should be done to become richer tomorrow than today. About one way to make a million per season, growing vegetables and seedlings, I want to tell you. Go!

How to earn a million for the country season: the secret from the farmer from Stavropol

Leonid Kim.

I'll start with myself. I am 32 years old, there is a beautiful wife and two kids - the son of Alexey and the daughter of Zhenya. We live in the same house with parents in Stavropol behind the city abundant. I will not say that becoming rich is my main goal. My goal is to provide my family to be happy and did not need anything. And all that I have for this is my knowledge (I am an agronomist), my hands, my land - 45 acres and three greenhouses that I myself did. On the one hand, it is already a lot, and on the other - you needed a push, faith in myself and my strength. Agree, if you do not believe in what you do, it's not worth starting. I believed in my senses, and in this I was supported by my wife and mom. For a start, I built a greenhouse. The most simple, made of boards and covered film. We bought the seeds of vegetables on which we did not save.

How to earn a million for the country season: the secret from the farmer from Stavropol

Leonid Kim: "My Principle: Even if you work on Earth, keep your workplace in perfect order"

How to build a greenhouse in 144 m2 with your own hands for 20 thousand rubles

For a start, I painted the drawing of the greenhouse to have an idea that I want to see on my site. He decided that the greenhouse should be big, so chose such dimensions: width 6 m, length 24 m. Height 2.6 m in the center and 1.5 m - on the sides.


  • - 11 000 rubles went to wooden supports and boards; on film (1 roll) - 6500 rubles;
  • - nails (about 10 kg) - 1000 rubles;
  • - spent machine oil and paint - 1500 rubles.

Total: 20,000 rubles for a greenhouse of 144 m2! For such sizes, this is a kopeck. Of course, the greenhouse turned out not perfectly beautiful, but my goal is to build a functional greenhouse for the minimum money. Made in her stove heating.

Seeds for seedlings for sale began to plant from February 10 and finished on March 20, planting seeds of cucumbers in seedlings.

How much I have already earned in the seedlings this year

According to the results of this year, I want to say that seeds in seedlings could be planted by 20% more, as the demand was still, and everything was already sold. Moreover, when I sowed seeds to seedlings, many told me that I squeeze too much and I could not realize it.

So, from April 5 to May 15, I sold:

  • - Cabbage seedlings: 8 thousand pieces of 6 rubles - 48,000 rubles;
  • - Eggplazhanov seedlings: 6 thousand pieces of 8 rubles - 48,000 rubles;
  • - Seedlings of Peppers "Spark": 250 pieces of 30 rubles - 7,500 rubles;
  • - Cabbage seedlings Color: 1 thousand pieces of 8 rubles - 8,000 rubles;
  • - Basilica seedlings: 2 thousand pieces of 8 rubles - 16,000 rubles;
  • - Gorky pepper seedlings: 4 thousand pieces of 8 rubles - 24,000 rubles;
  • - seedlings of pepper sweet: 15 thousand pieces of 6 rubles - 90,000 rubles;
  • - Cucumber seedlings: 5 thousand pieces of 10 rubles - 50,000 rubles;
  • - Seedlings of tomatoes: 20 thousand pieces of 6 rubles - 120,000 rubles.

Total: 415 500 rubles. Of these, about 150,000 rubles were spent on the seeds, on the assistant, on the costs of lighting the greenhouses. There is still a vegetable season ahead. I'll tell you about him in the fall. And during the summer I will tell you how I feather and treat my landing.

Business idea from farmer to grow greenery

There are no special skills and knowledge. You just need to know small cultivation technologies and dates for sowing to get on time when greens are particularly sold. In my opinion and experience, growing greenery is a very profitable project, since with small costs for planting material and small areas, it is not bad to earn. Special care is not necessary: ​​watering, loosening, removal of weeds and feeding one or twice. When careing for greens does not need a lot of work, it grows quickly and for the growing season you can collect several yields, thereby increasing your income.

The greens always have demand, regardless of the time of year.

What kind of greens is more profitable to grow:

  • - bow on the feather;
  • - dill;
  • - parsley;
  • - Kinza;
  • - salad;
  • - Basil.

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One of my examples: I grow up for the new year and I rent in bulk - 500 bundles per day for 20 rubles. In retail I sell 50-100 beams per day for 30 rubles. And this is only kinza. And there is still a salad, dill, parsley, onions.

Business idea from farmer on the cultivation of onion for greens

First you need to decide on the place where you will grown onions. It may be a garage, a greenhouse, a basement, etc. The bow in this deployment is very plastic and is not demanding to light and temperature. It can be grown on racks in several floors with a height between the floors of 50 cm, thus increasing the landing area.

Then you need to select the planting material. You can buy it cheaper when there is a cleaning of Luke (from August to September). Moreover, it is advisable to buy immediately on the field. First, there he is cheaper, secondly, you can already decide on the place and quality. From the variety depends on what kind of harvest you can collect.

How to choose from ordinary onion suitable grade? Take the bulb and cut it in half. Look in the middle how many incarnations of the beams are there? If only two, then such a bow is better not to take. You need to choose one that has at least three beams.

The soil under the bow on the greens can choose any, even sawdust. But before planting, the soil must be slightly rushing, so that the bulb is easily jumped. It is necessary to plant close to each other, pre-cutting the tops - for uniform germination.

Temperature mode. The warmer, the faster the bow will grow to a corrupt state. For example, at a temperature of + 25º C from landing to collection, about 18 days will be held. The lower the temperature, the slower will grow greens.

How many vegetables need to be planted to "grow" a million per season

How to earn a million for the country season: the secret from the farmer from Stavropol

We travel to the market with the whole family

Immediately make a reservation, that it is only about, as, in my opinion, to grow only one culture is unprofitable and risky. I made small calculations, led everything to the average denominator and brought the following numbers.

Eggplant (Growing in the ground): With a yield of 45 tons with hectare and with a purchase price, 1 kg of 15 rubles should be placed 1.5 hectares.

Early cabbage: With a yield of 50 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 15 rubles for 1 kg, 1,4 hectare should be planted. Cabbage Late: With a yield of 60 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 8 rubles for 1 kg, 2 hectares should be planted.

Cucumber greenhouse: With a yield of 70 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 20 rubles for 1 kg, 0.85 hectares should be placed.

Onions early (preferably, Dutch varieties): With a yield of 60 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 10 rubles for 1 kg, 1.7 hectares should be placed.

Tomatoes (greenhouse): With a yield of 70 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 40 rubles for 1 kg, 0.35 hectares should be planted.

Coloring cabbage: With a yield of 30 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 30 rubles for 1 kg, 1.2 hectares should be planted.

Radish white: With a yield of 30 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 15 rubles for 1 kg, 2.2 hectares should be planted.

Kinza, coriander: With a yield of 1.5 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 150 rubles for 1 kg, 4.5 hectares should be planted.

Dill (Two cuts): With a yield of 2 tons with a hectare and purchase price of 180 rubles for 1 kg, 2.3 hectares should be planted.

Naturally, the numbers that I led are approximate and depend on varieties, weather conditions and agrotechnology. Earn the same million on smaller areas, if you begin to work already since January, growing on sale seedlings

When is it profitable to plant? In December - before the new year and from mid-March to the end of May. I do not want to brag, but my products on the seedling market are revealed first. Many people who doubt beginner farmers and particles often tell me: they say, you are Korean, you are in the blood of hardworking and the ability to sell well. That's if we make a plastic surgery, making yourself a narrow eyes, and paint the hair into a black color, then we will buy everything as quickly as yours. I mix these words. I answer that the whole thing is that you need to work. With buyers need to communicate, bargain, smile, no matter what. Well, who will buy the goods (even the best), if the seller is beech and looks at the buyer just like a wallet. The buyer is also a person, he came to the market not only after the seedle, but also for the good mood, which I give him. Good mood, smile, daily work, communication and faith in what I do everything right - here are my secrets, thanks to which I earn well on my land.

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