How to preserve vegetables and fruits with fresh long: brilliant lifehak, which is useful to everyone


How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

Summer - season of fresh vegetables and fruits. But how long will they stay fresh, even in the refrigerator? Especially when you do not want (or can not) eat a whole lemon, watermelon or cucumber? If you are not the category of people who love to translate the products to be wasted, be sure to find out a simple lifehak, as the longest saves vegetables and fruits juicy.

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

With vegetables and fruits, it is always like this: something we can know for both cheeks and one sitting, and the consumption of others is stretched into several techniques. Well, for example, who will pay a whole lemon at a time? Do you need all this huge bulbs for soup? If something from the "green" products need to be cut, and after returning the remains in the refrigerator to the best times, be sure to use this tip. It will help keep vegetables and fruits fresh and juicy.

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

The secret is simple: You will need toothpick.

Let's discern on the example of lemon. Take the fruit, gently cut up the top (it is thorough, so that it is almost not different from the diameter of the fetus itself) and cut the lemon with slices.

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

Now take the top, pour it with the toothpick in the middle and "attach" back to the lemon.

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

Return to the refrigerator. And when the lemon is needed again, you will find that even the top layer of the fruit remains as soft and juicy as if it was just overtrake. The same trick works with cucumbers, onions - yes, almost with any fruit vegetables.

How to keep vegetables and fruit fresh for a long time even after cutting

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