Dandelions in the resin: master class


Dandelions in the resin needlework without the process, epoxy resin, decorations made of epoxy resin, pendant with dandelion, long

Last year, also did dandelions.

But they were with a truncle in the place of fittings and not enough shiny, in my opinion.

Dandelions in the resin needlework without the process, epoxy resin, decorations made of epoxy resin, pendant with dandelion, long

This year I found new moldes that allow you to make a sphere without truncation.

And this means that you can not hide the place of attachment under the big cap.

Dandelions in the resin needlework without the process, epoxy resin, decorations made of epoxy resin, pendant with dandelion, long

One pin is enough.

Pins also found new - from silver.

Dandelions in the resin needlework without the process, epoxy resin, decorations made of epoxy resin, pendant with dandelion, long

And the last friend.

I changed polishing pasta.

Now pendants are shine like a mirror))

Dandelions in the resin needlework without the process, epoxy resin, decorations made of epoxy resin, pendant with dandelion, long

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Hello! Today I will tell, and most importantly, I will show how I create my decorations with the help of epoxy resin and moldes.

For work is necessary:

- epoxy resin;

- silicone molds (for epoxy resin);

- disposable gloves, syringes, cups, stirring wand;

- various natural materials (drunks, shells, pebbles IT.D.);

- Pottal, stained glass paints, powder Pereple.

I work on the usual file so as not to swing the table.

To create a coule from the hemisphere, I picked up two different dandelions so that you can compare how they look in the final version.


Before starting work, we carefully rinse all the molds that plan to use, wipe them dry. Owing gloves, pour the resin into one-time cups and a hardener (it is more convenient to gain them with a syringe). We work in a well-ventilated room.

Epoxy resin

Measuring the required amount of resin, pour into a clean dry cup, another syringe measure the required amount of hardener and add to the resin. Different producers have their own proportions, so carefully read what is written on the packaging and follow all recommendations for work. The final result depends on the accuracy, if the resin does not frozen, then the proportions were broken, or the mixture is not well mixed with each other.

If you take a syringe with a rubber insert inside, then the hardener will not splash when it is poured into epoxy. Wooden stick (you can use skewers for kebabs) Thoroughly mix the resulting mixture. I set the time for 10 minutes, and interfere with the circular movements so as to prevent air from entering.

Work with a resin

In Mold, we put the dandelion neatly (I deleted the lower parachutes with tweezers).

Jewelry resin.

After stirring, I leave the resin somewhere on half an hour so that the chemical reaction passes: to judge that the reaction can be on the heated cup with a resin. Experimed by I installed that it is not necessary to work in very hot weather, the reaction will start very violently leaking and the resin will freeze in the current half an hour. This applies to the resin that I use, different manufacturers - different criteria.

With a thin flowing gently pour a resin into Mold, on a dandelion.


Because After the frozen, it will fall a little, pour so that a small convex lenza turned out.

Master class by resin

Now I will show how you can make beautiful rings made of glass, washes and polished by the sea.


We pour a little resin, put the pebbles, carefully fill on top, as when working with a hemisphere, to get a convex surface.

Sea topics


Affairs earrings with paracted dandelions. We pour a little resin, distribute a wand. At this stage, the resin begins to gradually thicken, it is just necessary, so that parachuts remain in the position in which they were put.


We put a bunch.


Top pour a resin with a small convexity. If you do it carefully, you will eventually need a minimum grinding.

Resin decoration

Similarly, a truncated ball is also obtained. Pour a resin half of the Molda.

Decorations with resin

We put the required number of parachuts with toothpick or, like me, a big needle (it is good to wipe it away from the resin).


Take a resin in Mold with a dandelion.

Resin decorations

And now we will make a bracelet with seashells from the Black and Azov seas. Similarly, in pure dry bracelet mold pour epoxy resin. By this time it became even more thick, so part of it remains on the walls, which I need. We add to the mold of seashells, pebbles, starfishes, all that is interesting) pour crushed seashells, which stick to the walls, creating an effect of suspended state.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

For half an hour before that, I prepared a new portion of the resin, very carefully pour from above to avoid the appearance of unnecessary bubbles. If there are still bubbles, you can warm up the oven to 80 degrees, ventilate, put the Molds there with a resin (the temperatures are withstanding to + 204 c). Bubbles will come out.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

It is important that Mold stands on a flat surface, otherwise the resin will freeze in the inclined position. Than more accurately install epoxy, the less you will need to grind. I poured resin as much as possible to the top, with a small convexity.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Now we are waiting for a day to completely dry the resin. To the surface of the products did not hit the garbage / dust, it is necessary to cover them with something, a box, lid.

At this time we will make a pendant. We prepare the main background - we apply a liquid plastic on the workpiece. Polymer clay rolled into a thin layer cover, distribute and baked in the oven. Let cool and you can start work.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

We pour a few drops of resin so that you can distribute on the surface and with the help of tweezers and needles make up of the fully dried leaves - flowerfish composition. The resin acts as glue, which does not allow easy drunks to move. You should not use living or poorly dried flowers for pouring resin, over time they will ruin and turn them.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Because Behind the pendant there is a holder, I had to put it in Mold so that the surface was horizontal. I never think about it in advance what kind of composition should be, so I spread all the appropriate flowers and the grass and inspired to collect a small live picture.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

As a result, it turns out in such a little world. We leave to dry, after the resin holes, you can pour out the second layer, forming a convex beautiful lens.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

A day passed, the resin completely turned away and I got all the resulting blanks. This bracelet, the upper part of it.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

By the same principle you can make a pendant, earrings, ring, etc.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

This is a semisfer with a dandelion, next to the second, orange, for comparison.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Dandelions in the resin: master class

These are the resulting truncated balls with parachutes:

Dandelions in the resin: master class

I also poured small seeds:

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Slashing from sea glass, for comparison, put those that did earlier.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

If in the resin add a droplet of stained in paint or powder, then you can get different shades of resin. When painting stained glass paint it is worth adding a completely droplet, because The proportions between the resin and the hardener can be violated by staining, as a result, the product may not be frozen or becomes sticky when touched.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

You can add Patal and get interesting decorations.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

And these are lenses with parachutics, as can be seen, lie beautifully. So, as it was intended.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

The reverse side remained at one level with the edges of the lenses.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

After complete frost, uneven and sharp edges must be stuck.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

This is how the back side of the coulon looks like after frozen resin.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Thoroughly grind, and in order not to breathe dust, you can wear a mask / respirator.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Rear of the hemisphere after grinding

Dandelions in the resin: master class

We also do the same with the bracelet, you can take a manicure machine on assistants, as I did, most importantly, buy good batteries.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

As can be seen in the photo, I needed a minimal grinding along the edge of the bracelet, because I took care of it in advance when I poured a resin into Mold.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Cover the places of grinding varnish, I have it a glassy varnish, the layer is the most minimal.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

When the lacquer dries, you can admire the result.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

For a beautiful quince, I picked up an equally beautiful, decent frame and decorated with a miniature butterfly.

Dandelions in the resin: master class

The second dandelion, with an orange middle:

Dandelions in the resin: master class

Thanks to this amazing material, like a jewelry epoxy resin, you can do the most incredible things:

Dandelions in the resin: master class

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