Beading ideas - Piggy bank of useful tips for needlework


Everyone who is engaged in needlework, necessarily have their own Secrets . In this article, I will share with you several ideas accumulated with time and small tricks that will help create from beads with your own hands easier, faster and even greater pleasure!

The yogurt cap is bent for beaded heating
* There are many ways Scratch beads . Some make it a measurable plastic spoon, the other coffee spoons or a miniature spoon from saltki, the third - a thin shell-scallop, others - halves from the kinder surprises, and I offer you another one, my way. You need to buy and eat yogurt, which Large dense foil cover . Usually it is not smooth, but rough. The main thing is that the lid should keep the form well. You need to take this lid and bend from it for yourself "Craplock". The main thing is that for each case you can slightly modify it: do a little or wider. And then just break and stored in flat form. So she will not take place at all!

Desperate housewife with a manual vacuum cleaner, to picking up beads scattered - ready!
* If it happened that your Beads crpaired , it is not necessary to crawl to collect it with wet arms or winding a sticky side on the hand with a sticky side, although physical exercises are in principle and useful. I propose to use what technical progress offers us! I use a hand vacuum cleaner. It is very convenient, because its size is small, weight, too, what makes it very mobile. Everything that is going, gets into the bowl of his corps, from where you can calmly pour out the collected beads there, where you please (most importantly, before the start of the bead collection, it is good to clean the vacuum cleaner himself, so that the beads do not get extra crumbs and dust)!

But if you do not have a manual vacuum cleaner, you can use the usual. The main thing is to "catch" the beads, so that it does not reach the dust collection bag. This can be done by removing the brush from the pipe of the vacuum cleaner and looking inside the lowest part of the caproic golf or tights. Stick well the rest outside the part so that it does not succumb to inside (you can bind it to the braid, rope, put on it a dense gum or just hard to keep your hand). After you let the floor with this homemade capturing plant, the beads woke up, just lift the pipe vertically and turn off the vacuum cleaner. Your beads reliably, quickly and gently assembled in a stocking! It remains to disconnect the stocking from the tube of the vacuum cleaner (remove the gum, unleash the braid or open the hand), pour beads from the stocking, select a possible garbage and calmly spit on! That's what the technique has reached! :)

Bead storage system in jars from Bioestine Lacto
* Master the craftsmen creates Storage bead . But here there are many options! First, these are numerous Storage systems that can be purchased in Shopping for needlework . Plus: Usually they are easy to use, minus: they are expensive and not in all stores they are available.

Secondly, the storage of beads can be adapted Drawers for storing nuts , bolts and other little things. Such can be bought in Building stores . Often they are smaller than the drawers for needlework, but they should also be sought and especially buying.

A completely different story is the use of what is being done at hand is that it is not necessary to specifically buy, which is often often thrown away.

The easiest way is to store in small bags with zip closing . Often it is in such bags of beads and sold.

Small bead residues conveniently stored in glass jars from drugs (On the photo on the left of Bioestine Lacto). The undoubted plus is that the beads are kept very compact and clearly. The box is already divided into cardboard departments, so the bottles do not knock on a friend about his friend. Minus - over time the lids cease to close tightly. How to solve the last problem, I have not thought up yet.

Similar way can be considered Storage of beads in transparent jars from under Guachi (with swirling lids). If you have a drawing circle nearby, you can ask them Unnecessary jars . Wash the jars will not be a lot of work. Then it will only be necessary to choose a suitable box where it is convenient to fold all the jars from the gouache.

Bead storage system in transparent jars
Of course, jars from drugs and guaishes are not the only way to store beads!

Beads can be folded in any Transparent glass and plastic jars . In the case there will be jars from a baby food, decorations on the cakes (a high jar in the photo on the left), "Tick-Taka", yogurts, and indeed anything!

Of course, more convenient plastic jars, because they are easier and usually stronger. Glass jars also have their advantages: they do not suffer from constant friction about beads, do not lose their transparency.

The only minus of the storage of beads in different jars is that they cannot be made as compactly compact for storage precisely because of heterogeneity. One bank more, other smaller, the third is rectangular, while the rest are round ...

Diverse cans need to be placed in the box without top or top, which is better to do from cardboard themselves on the specified sizes.

Many jars are more convenient to store covers down, so that you can immediately see how the beads are in them.

Storing current work from beads in a box from under Margarine
* Separate attention deserves the topic Storage of current bead work . So that your homemade is not confused in beaded thickets, it is worthwhile to put work in a specially reserved place where it does not hurt anyone. My my own invention is used to store current work from beads: Box, converted from packaging from margarine.

Inside the boxes fold tools and materials necessary for work: beads, fishing line, needles, scissors, fittings, etc.

On the cover, I have a white paper on the PVA, on which I am as needed to pour beads for nizania. The remaining unclaimed beads then with ease, refuse back to the bag or going to my chat from the yogurt (for example, when the beads are not stored in the bag, but in a small jar or if several types of bead species immediately).

In the near future, I'm going to stick on paper (well, not to shake it) a soft light flannel type fabric to dial the beads more convenient.

If we speak not about ideas tested on your own experience, but about those who have ever subtracted from the network, then you want to stay on the three main, which seem to me the most interesting.

Soft two-tone plate for working with beads
The first idea is such that Bilateral soft two-tone plate for working with beads . It seems to me that a very convenient invention. Whose, unfortunately, I can not say for sure, as I do not remember the authorship, such is the anonymity of the Internet ...

Second idea - use for storage box from chess . At the same time, just like with my packaging from Margarine, in one half of the chess box, a soft tissue is glued from the inside, and all the necessary accessories are inserted into the other.

Well, the latest idea from this series. For work we use wooden (or from another material) tray which is directly appointed to use to cover breakfast in bed. Again, the inner side is glued with a soft material, and on the side surface you can stick a paper centimeter tape, which can be completely free to sample yourself in some construction and furniture stores (in the same iquel, for example). The minus and at the same time plus (yes, it happens!) These ideas in their magnitude. For me - a very large value, it is more convenient for me to put everything in the box from 400 g. Margarine, someone used all the materials used and the tools can not fit into such a box, but they will be perfectly on the tray.

I also more like the idea with a chess box (by the way, you can also stick a centimeter tape from Ikea!), Because after the end of the work it can be folded, close on hooks and remove anywhere. If the box is randomly overturned, damage, something nap or wake up from above, your work will not bring anything bad. Nothing crumbling, not blocked, does not mix and not lost!

Lightning folder is convenient for storing materials for future projects.
* Many needlewomen prepare themselves Projects for weaving for the future . It is especially convenient to do this if you buy special enough durable plastic folders for lightning A5 format (for small works) or A4 (for more work) and put all the materials in them in the next project.

For example, the folders that you see on the photo on the left, cost in the online store approximately only 10 rubles! Their plus is that special pockets for business cards are pasted on plastic from above, in which you can invest a card with a description of an invested project, a list of missing materials, etc.

In principle, such storage bags can be made from ordinary transparent plastic files that are laid in folders. They do not close the lightning, but they are even cheaper. They can even be asked to the folder. The top of these files can be wrapped inside out so that the materials do not fall out when turning the folder.

From above, scotching can be glued and pockets for cards with a description. The pockets itself suggest cut out of another transparent file, which can be used for the production of pockets!

For convenience of turning into each file, you can attach a sheet of cardboard (you can and multicolored) so that it is not too flex.

Pencil for storing future projects
Maybe you will even succeed in to get such as in the photo on the left, Plastic pencils For storing their own Next Beading Projects . Such is convenient because it has a transparent side through which the content is visible, there is lightning, which facilitates access to the content. In addition, in the presence of several such plastic casements, they can be used to storage folder.

Unfortunately, in online stores, I did not meet such penalties, I learned about their existence on the forum.

Boxing for eggs when setting a ripport knitted harness from beads

Boxing cells for eggs with beads

There I really liked the stunning Council of one of the participants for those who Knit harnesses from beads.

With a set of large rapports, there is a high probability to confuse the amount of beerin. This problem can be solved using boxing for eggs. In each cell, you need to impose beads that you need for a rapport. If the rapport is less or equal to the number of boxing cells, then just pour beads in such a sequence as in the rapport, even if the color of beads is repeated. Without afraid to confuse something, you will quickly gain the necessary number of bead meters for a relatively short time, and you will not need a big concentration of attention to this.

Just in case you can dial one Reference, correct rapport On a piece of thread and glue this piece on the right and on the left to the cardboard or simply a sheet of paper so that later the thread with the beaded beaded to be brought to the standard and compare whether some annoying error began to be crushed into it.

Of course, the list of secrets is far from complete. Of course, I will continue to continue the series of articles about trifles that help us create with your own hands. Maybe the list will be replenished with your Soviets and secrets?

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