How to make a stylish tambouro net for 5 minutes


We are waiting for the winter, we go to the Lessek. We put the forester floor liters.

How to make a stylish tambouro net for 5 minutes <a href =

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

Choose the curve of the chill and process.

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

But surely wait for the summer. And put the pig under the battery. The tree loses moisture in the drying process. Up to 30 percent.

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

Bulgarian and skins to help you. First coarse, then small

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

If there are fat bars - they are to the legs. I love all the rude, brutal and grotesque.

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

If there is a verse - great, although I refused it from her and preferred the color of pine (I got a smolnyak)

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

In the process, it is finally concerned, but the lacquer caused by the 5th layer leveled all the cracks.

How to make a stylish tambouroet for 5 minutes Furniture, Nature, Handicraft

Further we twist. And Tambourcome in 5 minutes ready!

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