Here's how to get rid of condensate on plastic windows


Here's how to get rid of condensate on plastic windows

Of course, we all well know that metal-plastic windows and doors can keep warm in the house than wooden. Since the wooden can pass the cold air through the slots between the frame itself and the glass, exactly as the tree itself excellently passes the air. But any wooden frames - be something balcony or window - possess one indisputable plus, and this plus this is that they are made of natural material - wood. What, unfortunately, it is impossible to say about metal-plastic structures. Yes, they do not let the cold air, but the process of air ventilation in the room is disturbed.

Preparing Sani in the summer

By repairing indoors, it is necessary to think about improving thermal insulation, which will save your means in winter, and about proper ventilation, which will save you from dampness and mold. Provided when repairing and replacing windows in the room, all of the above-mentioned, and some other features, you can save time, tools and health.

When replacing windows in a summer period with a condensate problem, you may not encounter. In the summer heat, the room is almost constantly ventilated, the air circulation is excellent and, unimportant to the street on the street or not, moisture on the windows can only be seen during the rain. With the arrival of cold weather, the problem becomes obvious. In the absence of heating in the fall, the room is often regulated often - saving heat and seeking to close from bad weather. Such a process inevitably leads to high humidity indoors, which in turn will consistently affect your glasses.

Where condensate is taken from

It is the factor of tightness, but only in conjunction with a violation of heating and air convection in the room, is the cause of condensation. Condensate begins to appear on the glasses when the air temperature indoors falls below +18 degrees. As a rule, it actively begins to appear in the autumn-winter period, when heating works, and the temperature on the street is much lower than indoors.

How heating affects condensation

Noticed the droplets of condensate on the glasses? Usually, the moisture appears in the corners of the frame or at the bottom of the glass. Most often, the appearance of moisture indicates insufficient thermal insulation of the premises, or disadvantages in the heating system. It is thoroughly approaching the solution of this issue, you can forever get rid of water droplets on the glasses. "To drain" the surface of the window is quite simple, for this it is necessary to put an additional heating radiator indoor. Thus, you will increase the temperature of the room in the winter and your windows will no longer be covered with moisture drops.

We fight condensate warming walls

If we put a radiator for technical reasons is not possible, you can consider the insulation of walls from the inside. True, you will have to repair walls in the room, however, your costs will pay themselves in the next heating season. Another solution may be an outer insulation of the walls. However, to fulfill it, you will have to hire professionals to perform high-rise works. However, the effect of such insulation will be double. In winter, you save the heat, in the summer - cool atmosphere in the apartment. And most importantly, if you live in a private house, do not forget about the insulation of the attic, since it is through it a huge amount of heat.

Good ventilation prevents moisture falling!

However, you can think about the issue of air ventilation indoors in advance. You will help forced ventilation instruments that you can mow into ventilation grids during repair. Also, when ordering metal-plastic windows, you may envisage the ability to put a window to micro-level mode, or order a ventilated glass profile. About heating radiators, as we have said you need to take care in advance, not overlapping hot air access to the room. Knowing that there is often raw in the room, try to minimize the availability of colors in the room.

In any case, the optional options may be a set, the main task is to see and provide for the solution to the problem even before it occurs!

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