Tips for builders on the construction of the foundation


The most responsible stage in the construction of the house is the creation of the foundation of the structure. The foundation is the basis of the foundations of any building. If this process is done with your own hands, you can significantly reduce the cost and ease this important stage of construction (for example, not to use heavy and expensive materials for the foundation). About the way to build a foundation correctly here, and in this article we will give some recommendations.

Previously need to evaluate the condition of the soil on the site. And for this, it is still better to invite a specialist in such matters so that I don't have to redo the whole foundation

Next is the markup of your site, which helps to determine the size and contours of the future structure.

If you want to build a conventional one-storey house, then you are quite enough foundation with a width of about 50-60 centimeters. That is, for this you need to dig a trench of this width. And the depth of it will depend on how much soil freezes. Usually this figure is from 70 cm. Up to 1.5m. After the trench has dug around the entire perimeter, it is necessary to make it a good tamper. Then flooded in her layers of sand and crushed stone, which are also thoroughly tamped.

Next you need to put a formwork. Usually for this are used shields that can be easily removed after solidification of concrete. In those sites where the soil is dense and clay, you can do without formwork. But then, so that the Earth does not extend the extra moisture from the foundation, you need to put the polyethylene film on the bottom of the trench around the perimeter.

The next step is the manufacture of reinforcement. To do this, use steel bars with a diameter of 8 or 10 mm, which are welded in the form of a lattice. This preparatory work is completed. You can proceed to the fill of the foundation.

For the manufacture of filling concrete, the following components are used:

  1. Cement
  2. Water
  3. Crusheden
  4. Sand

Builders advise to take the ratio of these components as follows: 1 part of cement, 3 parts of sand and 5 parts of rubble. Water must take with a ratio of 0.68. That is for cooking 1 cube. The meter of the filling mix is ​​necessary to take 0.68 cubic meters. meter of water.

When pouring, you need to follow some rules.

  • Pouring is better to do small portions (no more than 0.5 meters in height at a time). And try to distribute concrete evenly.
  • A sprinkled concrete mix must be carefully sealing.
  • The foundation is desirable to pour it all right so that the docking seams do not weaken and did not destroy it.
  • With solar hot weather, it is necessary to periodically moisten the flooded concrete within a few days.

After 5-6 weeks, a complete setting of concrete occurs. Then you can proceed to the construction of the walls.


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