Chandeliers of plastic bottles


    Chandeliers of plastic bottles

    Czech artist Veronica Richterov (Veronika Richterová) benefits a practically not destroyed nature of PET bottles.

    Cutting, twisting and heating plastic containers from drinks, it forms durable sculptures that are visually similar to glass. This similarity inspired it on a series of PET lamps, a project consisting of fully functioning lighting devices in the form of chandeliers and lamps.

    To protect these heat-sensitive sculptures, the artist uses cables and light bulbs that are minimal. Several plastic chandeliers of Richter are included in the Eden Unearthed Art Exhibition Exposure, which will be held in February 2018 in Sydney.

    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles
    Chandeliers of plastic bottles

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