How to booze beets in 9 minutes


How to booze beets in 9 minutes

When we take for the preparation of different dishes, often face some difficulties. It is absolutely no wonder, because cooking is a whole science, and to master it, a lot of time and nerves goes. That is why we have prepared several useful lifehals for you, which will come in handy and beginners, and those who have long been in culinary matter.

Kitchen Lifehaki

What to do to not cry from Luke?

Experts advise placing onions in the refrigerator before cutting. They argue that, when contacting the air from the bow, the propantineol S-oxide is released, which makes us cry. If the vegetable is pre-cool, this substance will be highlighted slower. Do not put onions in the freezer, because then he can become too soft.

What to do to the dough not too crumbly?

Add melted oil into it.

What to do so that tomato sauce is not acidic?

If you feel that tomato sauce is too acidic, add some soda to it. Sometimes the hostesses are added to sugar sauce, but it is not able to completely remove the acid, it only disguises it.

What should the spices become more fragrant?

Fry them in vegetable oil in a frying pan. This should be done within 1-2 minutes on high fire. You can also place them for 30 seconds in the microwave.

How to bake bread with a crispy crust?

During the preparation of bread, you need to put a container with water to the bottom of the oven. When the water begins to evaporate, the steam will come into the reaction with starch on the surface of the loaf, thanks to this, the crust has a crunchy.

What to do so that the omelet is not wet?

Instead of milk, spend some frozen oil into it.

How to store apples and avocado?

If you cut an apple or avocado, but you have left unused pieces, sprinkle with lemon juice and put in a sealed container. So they will be fresh and not darken for a long time.

How to store cakes correctly?

Professional confectioners advise freeze cakes after cooking. But before doing this, the confectionery need to wrap in plastic tight. Experts believe that thanks to such a procedure, the cake will become tastier and it will be much easier to decorate it.

How to quickly boil beets?

Usually the beets are boiled for a whole hour, or even more. But there is one trick that can save the hostesses from tiring waiting. Wash the beet and place it in a heat-resistant package (you can carry a sleeve for baking), make a few hole for a fork or a knife in it. Package Put in a ceramic or glass bowl with thick walls and send to the microwave for 9 minutes by setting the maximum power. Then leave the beet another 10 minutes in a closed microwave - ready! Now you can prepare your favorite vinegaare or exquisite Grafsky salad.

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