Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra


When something does not work or goes wrong, I would like, I do not lower my hands, but ... I take the flap

Gathered flaps, even the smallest, too

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

She sewed bright multicolored blocks. How it is done described repeatedly below the ladies references to posts with a description of the technique.

So, I continue

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Gathered blocks and added some of the small decor in the form of appliqués, embroidery

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Martik advises to use braid

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Then the edge was treated

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

It turned out this is a bright patchwork blanket! The size of 225x185cm.

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Interestingly, and to calculate how many flaps in it

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Details How to sew and collect blanket, little things that should be taken into account when sewing, nuances and subtleties, in general, everything that came on personal experience I have already described. If someone wants to learn, see illustrated step-by-step instructions on the example of a pink patch blanket

Part of the first - proceed to sewing; Patchwork blocks

Part Two - continue to sew; We collect the cloth

Part Three - Blanket Ready, Errors and Conclusions

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra

Patchwork Blanket - Recipe about T Handra
Good luck to you and beautiful life

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