Bulk gift with your own hands - bath bombs


Sculpt bombing as simple as sculpt snow

My acquaintance with bubbles for the bath began with one female forum for young mothers! There, a familiar girl painted how she managed to carve time to appear in the bathroom, preliminarily throwing there a fragrant bomb!

My acquaintance with bubbles for the bath began with one female forum for young mothers! There, a familiar girl painted how she managed to carve time to appear in the bathroom, preliminarily throwing there a fragrant bomb! I asked, I had a gaze and understood! In our city, bath bombs are not sold! No problem! No on sale, there is a way out! I made a bath bombing with your own hands and did not regret it!

  • Bath bombs do it yourself: a recipe for aromatic enjoyment

    Bath bombs do it yourself: a recipe for aromatic enjoyment

A little about bombs! Recently, bath bombs are gaining popularity! Otherwise they are called geysers. Bombs are a recipe from certain components in certain proportions and mixed together! If you get into the water, bombs become effervescent, burly and then dissolved. This is due to the content in bombing of soda and citric acid. In addition, oils, various extracts, sea salt - favorably affect the skin and well-being.

How to make a bath bomber at home

Take a bath, it's always nice, but after having dissolved a bombing in it - it is pleasantly doubly! So, watch a master class, how to make a bug for the bath.

Bubble Recipe for Bath
Recipe bobbing bobbing bobbers for bath and necessary materials:

  1. Food soda - 10 tablespoons;
  2. Citric acid - 5 tablespoons;
  3. Sea salt - 2 tablespoons;
  4. Food coloring;
  5. Essential oil (for your taste) - about 20 drops;
  6. Oily oil (preferably olive) - 1 teaspoon (no more);
  7. 1 tablespoon of cream (dry);
  8. Crushed dried or natural herbs;
  9. Glass container;
  10. Gloves;
  11. Molds for bombing (you can use ice forms)

Let's start with the fact that the gloves are necessarily! Then in a glass ass, until homogeneous mass, mix citric acid and soda. Add food dye, any color and sea salt.

  • Mix bombing components

    Mix bombing components

We pour the essential and oily oil. Then add dry cream and crushed herbs. Mix the mixture until uniformity. Properly mixed mixture will be good. If it crumbly, then you need to add some water. But do not overdo it! Reaction may begin. If the hiss started, then you need to add a little acid and soda.

  • Follow the consistency of the bomb

    Follow the consistency of the bombing, it should be good

From the resulting mixture, we have a ball of a future bobber for a bath.

  • Sculpt bombing as simple as sculpt snow

    Sculpt bobber for the bath is as easy as sculpted snowball

Then you need to tightly rapt the mixture into the molds. Under forms for bombs, you can use tennis balls, cut in half, as well as children's toys, cells for eggs.

  • Tamper the resulting mixture in the mold

    Tightly tamper the resulting mixture into the mold

All this must be left to dry! After 15 - 20 minutes, carefully remove bombs from the form. Properly made bath bobbers - will be easily removed, and they will not crumble in their hands.

  • Bombs are ready for the bath, throw out and enjoy aromatherapy!

    Bulk bombing are ready for the bath, throw out and enjoy!

All is ready! On the eve of the female day, I was already puzzled by the question that giving friends for March 8! And I already know exactly what I will give! The gift will be - bombing for the bath do it yourself! They will like it exactly, I know the female nature!

Video: Production of a heart-shaped bomb

- Master on soap and handmade cosmetics, shows a master class of cooking a heart-shaped bobbing bomb.

Lavender bath bomb - relaxing pleasure

Recipe lavender insection:

  1. Food soda - 4 canteens;
  2. Citric acid - 2 canteens;
  3. Sea salt - 1 dining room;
  4. Dry milk - 3 canteens;
  5. Wheat germers oil - 2 canteens;
  6. Lavender oil - 20 drops;
  7. Ground dry lavender - 1 tablespoon;

Cooking a lavender bobber for a bath:

  1. First choose comfortable dishes for the manufacture of bombing. It is quite suitable deep-drying. We mix nutritional soda and citric acid. The resulting mixture is thoroughly stirred by a spoon.
  2. Then add milk powder and continue to stir up to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Now slowly (literally on the droplet) pour oil germ wheat.
  4. The next step - continue to supplement the mixture with etheric lavender oil. Add also slowly.
  5. Now we will need: the grass lavender and sea salt. We mix them to the mixture.
  6. We take a sprayer or a pulverizer and gradually spray water, while continuing to stir the spoon. How to determine what water is enough? It is very simple as soon as the mixture will begin to hiss or foam, it means it is enough for her.
  7. It's time to stay by children! Remember how in childhood from the sand washed various molds? If you have already managed to forget, then we will remember! We take any small mold and lubricate inside with vegetable oil. We put into it the resulting mixture, slightly tamper and lay out the ready-made mold onto a blank sheet of paper.
  8. Recommended drying time Lavender bombs: 5-7 hours.

Shot bomb for a bath - "Romance"

Shot romance
Shot romantic indieves recipe:

  1. Food soda - 60 grams;
  2. Citric acid - 60 grams;
  3. Cocoa oil - 60 grams;
  4. Ground oatmeal (powder) - 3 tablespoons;
  5. Rose oil (rose essential oil) - 5 drops;
  6. Liquid food dye - 10 drops;
  7. Liquid bergamot - 10 drops;
  8. Ilang-ylang essential oil - 10 drops;

Preparation of hip romance for the bath:

  1. Cocoa oil found its use in cosmetology and skin care products, and not surprising, because it has many beneficial properties. It nourishes, tones and moisturizes the skin making it smoother. And so, we take a piece of cocoa oil and we melm it in a water bath in the microwave. If you do not have a microwave oven, it does not matter - it can also be melt on the usual heating battery.
  2. Slightly cool and gradually add essential oils and a liquid food dye. The resulting cement thoroughly mix.
  3. Now add the remaining components: food soda, citric acid and crushed oatmeal.
  4. Carefully stir the mixture to a homogeneous mass. If you are a connoisseur in cooking, then you will feel as a consistency will be approximate to the sandy test.
  5. Put the mixture into the mold.
  6. Now we need the future bathroom bombing hardened. To do this, we put the form in the refrigerator until it is frozen, or put in the freezer. As a rule, for this, 20-30 minutes is quite enough.
  7. The frozen bomb is taken out of the form and turn the polyethylene film.

Mineral bath boss - skin care tenderness of roses

Mineral bombs
Mineral bombingSostov Mineral bombs:

  1. Food soda - 200 grams;
  2. Citric acid - 100 grams;
  3. Curry - 10 grams;
  4. Magnesium sulfate - 100 grams (English salt);
  5. Glycerin - 1 tablespoon;
  6. Almond oil - 1 tablespoon;
  7. Rose oil (rose essential oil);
  8. Fresh rose petals;
  9. Flowing water - 1 dessert spoon;

Step by step making mineral bombs:

  1. At first, we need to mix three components in dry form: food soda, citric acid and magnesium sulfate (also known as English salt, sold in pharmacies). Thoroughly stir the resulting mass to homogeneous so that there is not a single lump.
  2. Glycerol and mix it carefully and mix.
  3. We mix both essential oils: almond and pink.
  4. Now with the help of curry - stain in the resulting fat in light lemon color.
  5. We add water and mix thoroughly. Do not be afraid when the mass starts slightly foam and increase, the reaction began. How to determine what weight is like? Very simple - squeeze it in a fist, and if it does not scatter - you have achieved a dense consistency.
  6. The next step we will decorate a bug for a bath with rose petals. If you use fresh petals, simply put them on the bottom of the mold, and then apply a lot of weight, tightly tamping it. If you have dry rose petals, then they need to moisten before folding.
  7. Recommended drying time: 48 hours.

Video: Dairy bug for baths in action

At the end of the master class, I want to show what it was already so much written. Of course, about how to use bath bombs and what they are in action! The video shows an excellent example of a raging bombing, which spins on the surface in parallel releases therapeutic clay and drunks.

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