Our long-awaited and not finished repairs


So far, our repair lasted, followed by your repairs, decided to share my own-to hear advice and even, maybe help someone)

Briefly: There is an odnushka with a small redevelopment, the bedroom was reduced at the expense of the kitchen and dressing room, the bathroom was combined. There are no doors, textiles, sconce and chandeliers in the bedroom, the cabinets in the bathroom with a mirror, the cabinet in the hallway ... It is also planned for a penny penalty, a cabinet under TV, a new table and chairs ... and so on the little things)

Little entrance hall, the color of the walls is a bit distorted

Little entrance hall, the color of the walls is a bit distorted

View of the kitchen-living /

View of the kitchen-living /

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

I want a tree under a tree with an overlap sink, a wicker basket under the underwear

I want a tree under a tree with an overlap sink, a wicker basket under the underwear

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Over the sofa something you want to hang, but what?

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

The table and chairs will be replaced with time) your opinion, will these? We also want to hang a small lamp over the table - will there be a bust?

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Advise what curtains come here) and also what to hang over the sofa?

Advise what curtains come here) and also what to hang over the sofa?

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Unfinished bedroom) no sconce, chandeliers ... Need help in selection of textiles on bed and windows)

Unfinished bedroom) no sconce, chandeliers ... Need help in selection of textiles on bed and windows)

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

I want to still buy chained tumb and console under TV, but so far)

I want to still buy chained tumb and console under TV, but so far)

Well, a piece of dressing room, suddenly, who will come in handy)

Well, a piece of dressing room, suddenly, who will come in handy)

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

That's all, I will be glad to comments and suggestions)

I will add a couple of pictures as I promised: there will be a plan for a dressing room with sizes (but in the process they changed a little master), a few fotes of the inner space (sorry not all beautifully, did not have time to decompose)), the plan of the apartment with sizes to and plan with the placement of furniture after ( Painted in Painte))

Here are some shelves of removable, in case you hang something)

Here are some shelves of removable, in case you hang something)

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

right part of the table-with which many were interested

right part of the table-with which many were interested

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

4 boxing right tables

4 boxing right tables

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

Our long-awaited and not finished repairs

It seems that everything) in the end in the area: the bedroom turned about 12m2, the wardrobe 4.7 m2, the kitchen to 20m2 / this layout seemed to us the most successful and even the bedrooms at 12 m2 is enough)) in the future we want to insulate the balcony and attach

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