15 popular councils who actually turned out to be completely useless


15 popular tips, which in fact proved useless.

15 popular tips, which in fact proved useless.

Household tips are useful primarily by the fact that they significantly simplify everyday life and help to save personal funds. But not all lifehaks are effective, and some are not at all effective or may cause damage. In this review, 15 common lifehaks are collected, which is not exactly worth spending time. They are useless - it is verified.

1. Banana Cutting Wire Tray

If there is an extra banana in the house ...

If there is an extra banana in the house ...

In general, it is difficult to present a situation in which the knife is not at hand, it will be a wire tray ... well, suppose that so. With an immature banana, such a trick can and will pass, but if the fruit is ripe - it is soft, which means in an attempt to cut it, most likely, it turns out a fruit puree.

2. Battery Refrigerator Refrigerator

The refrigerator is not a place for batteries.

The refrigerator is not a place for batteries.

Many have heard that if you put batteries in the refrigerator, it will extend their service life. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. Low temperature reduces battery life, and the resulting condensate becomes the cause of corrosion and displays the batter of the system.

3. Speaker from toilet paper sleeve

The roll is not a speaker.

The roll is not a speaker.

If the creators of Lifehak would offer a ceramic mug instead of a cardboard sleeve, it could be attributed to useful advice. But the classic version of the lifehak is absolutely useless and non-working thing.

4. Coca-Cola instead of cleaning agent for toilet

Cola in the toilet - money for the wind.

Cola in the toilet - money for the wind.

Very and very old lifehak, which offers to clean the toilet cola - allegedly it is much more efficient than special means. But his uselessness is proved even by the fact that the soda is not able to kill bacteria that actively multiply in the toilet.

5. Corkscrew from nail and hammer

Nail and hammer - worse than the corkscrew you will not come up.

Nail and hammer - worse than the corkscrew you will not come up.

If suddenly it urgently needed to open a bottle of wine or champagne, and the corkscrew was not at hand, then especially cunning offered to use the hammer and nail. But in reality, the nail will simply pop up from traffic jam, and she will remain in place. If we use something like this instead of a corkscrew, then the self-sufficiency in this business will be much more efficient to the nail.

6. Cheese sandwich in toaster

And do not put cheese in the toaster!

And do not put cheese in the toaster!

If you look superficially, the lifehak is just a find - what could be easier than putting the device on the side and insert a cheese sandwich into it? But it was not there. By making treatments in this way, there is a considerable risk that drowned cheese will be inside the electrical appliance.

7. Wooden spoon against boiling

Wooden spoon - not solving the problem.

Wooden spoon - not solving the problem.

One "secret" housewives, which says that if across the pan, on its board, put a wooden spoon, then it will prevent water flow from the booster. Unfortunately, stop the booting it can not.

8. Dough Dispenser from Ketchup Bottle

And do not suck on the dispenser.

And do not suck on the dispenser.

On the one hand, this lifehak worker, but the fact that he will simplify life, under a big question. First, there is a possibility that pancakes will turn out with the aroma of Ketchup. No matter how well the bottle was washed, plastic absorbs all odors, get rid of which is difficult. Secondly, to prepare a liquid dough of homogeneous consistency in such a tank almost unreal.

9. Means from a hangover

Tattery as the beginning of the viege.

Tattery as the beginning of the viege.

As in the famous saying, where the wedge wedge is embroodble, with a hangover, they are offered to fight the same alcohol, which this hangover "presented". That's just drinking it more. You do not need to be seven spans in the forehead in order to understand that such lifehak will not bring to the good, but health will seriously reopulate.

10. Toothpaste from acne

Toothpaste, because for teeth.

Toothpaste, because for teeth.

It is not capable of cure a problem skin, but thanks to menthol, which enters most of the compositions, you can dry the dermis and get irritation. At the same time, it is due to this component, a toothpaste can quickly calm the skin after light burns.

11. Coins in flower pots

Coins are not a place in a flower pot.

Coins are not a place in a flower pot.

Copper works on the principle of the acider, so warns the development of harmful bacteria and fungi that can destroy the plant. However, Lifehack himself will be effective only with old coins, in the manufacture of which a lot of copper was used. Modern money is poured from other metals and copper content in them is very low.

12. Dental thread for cutting cheese

Only unaratized thread, please!

Only unaratized thread, please!

As in the previous case, the trick itself works, but here the cheese after such a cutting will give the aroma of the dental thread. Therefore, if you really want to try Lifehak in business, it is better to work on finding a non-soldered thread for teeth.

13. Tea bags for warming hands

Praise your hands!

Praise your hands!

Everything would be nothing, but the "authors" forget to warn that after such a warming of the hands, the skin will take the color of tea and smell it will be the same. If this is not a problem for someone, then you can try.

14. Free garbage bags freely from bucket

15 popular councils who actually turned out to be completely useless

Free garbage bags free from bucket.

In order, the bag was easily removed from the bucket, they advised in the network to do several holes in the package below. In fact, everything works, but the consequence will become a terrible stench, even from the empty bucket and the nasty alien, which is leaked from waste.

15. Empty packaging of cosmetics for storage of jewels

As a storage system is useless.

As a storage system is useless.

The idea is not bad, because the unsightly bubble from the tanning lotion, for example, does not attract anyone. But does it make sense in such tricks if the entire bag will be stolen?

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